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??? POV

It's rather odd how some things can turn out.

My mother would always say that I'd grow up to do something great.

"You'll be a well-earning doctor one day, Astia," she'd murmur as she stroked my hair. "Or perhaps you'll be a famous singer. Maybe even the president, one day!"

"But I want to be just like you, mama!" I'd grin up at her. Her face would twist for a moment before changing into a smile.

"Whatever you'd like, honey. Your father and I love you."

And yet here I am, breaking down the walls of a building with a weapon in my hand.

I'm no good daughter.


3rd Person POV

"Your punches are weak, Krista." You observed as the short blonde threw punches at a punching bag. "And don't you glare at me, Ymir. Yours could improve, too."

"This is tiring," Ymir complained. "What's the point of this, anyway?"

"You won't always have a weapon with you. Hand to hand combat is essential." you said, eyes drifting to the two boys. "Reiner, I wouldn't suggest trying to uppercut unless you were actually fighting a human instead of a bag of sand. Eren, you're doing good. Just remember to keep your thumb untucked; you can break it if it is."

"I hope multiple missions come up at the same time so we can actually use these skills," Reiner muttered under his breath.

"I told you; that is highly unlikely. Just wait until your group training is over, it won't be that long. You'll be on your first mission in no time."

A door being harshly opened could be heard from inside the training center.

"Hanji! Send for Squad Levi!" the deep voice of Erwin called.

"Yes sir!" Hanji's reply was followed by footsteps echoing across the hall. Eyebrows furrowed, you jogged out into the hall.

"Oi! What's this about Levi's Squad?" you asked Hanji as she dashed by.

"Robbery at the bank by the Titans!" she replied as she turned a corner, footsteps fading.

"Oh dear!" Krista put her hand over her mouth in what seemed to be shock. Reiner and Eren fist pumped.

"One step closer to going on a mission early!" Eren cheered.

"This is not a laughing matter." You shook your head as you walked back towards them. "Robbery isn't much fun to deal with, let alone stop. It's actually rather boring. Besides, if another mission comes up, Hanji's Squad will take it."

"But still." Ymir shrugged. "It's more interesting to apply our skills in real life than to punch this lousy bag of sand. This is pointless." You wrinkled your nose.

"Everyone drop and give me 20 push ups," You sneered. Everyone groaned before dropping to their hands and knees. "And once you're done with that, we'll start with something else."

"What is it?" Krista asked breathily between push ups. Her scrawny arms could hardly hold her figure up.

"It's called running laps, mis amigos." you grinned. A loud 'ugh' echoed throughout the room. "Hey, endurance is important."

But that wasn't the real reason you made them run. It was something far more in depth, something of which you didn't even realized you wanted to think about before the sounds of their footsteps were echoing throughout the room.

You've gotten the chance to ask Levi if your little outing could be considered a date many, many times each day. So why haven't you?

Perhaps it would make Eren feel bad.

But if Eren took you out like he said he would but considered it a date, you wouldn't know how to face Levi the next day.

And yet you didn't know why any of this was happening.

You liked Levi a lot. You really did. But Eren had also whisked away your heart by his bravery.

Perhaps you had feelings for both?

But no, you couldn't! The day you became a Squad Leader you had promised yourself that you wouldn't fall into any traps and instead would focus on becoming the best soldier you could be! Of all times, why is it now, of all times, that the promise was slipping between your fingertips?

"Um... Squad Leader...." you heard Eren say as he ran his laps. "Why are you banging your head against the wall?"

You jumped, working to straighten your posture.

"N-No reason." you stuttered. "20 more laps!"

How unprofessional.


"I don't get it." Levi growled, slamming his fist down at the counter. "What do you mean it was a false alarm?" The accountant behind the counter trembled.

"W-Well, y-you see..."

"It probably isn't a good idea to be so blunt in this situation, Squad Leader." Eld nudged Levi aside. "So someone with a gun entered the bank and forced you to call the Survey Corps for help?" The accountant nodded vigorously.

"And then what happened?" Petra cut in, a concerned look on her face.

"He left." the accountant replied in a small voice.

"He just left?" Oluo snorted.

"Without demanding money?" Gunter continued on. The accountant nodded yet again.

"There has to be some kind of motive for this." Levi snarled.

"Maybe they wanted to lure us away from HQ, Squad Leader." Petra suggested.

"Not that, but I have a feeling you're on the right track...." Levi sat down and crossed his legs, tapping his chin for a good while before straightening up.

"What is it, Squad Leader?" Gunter asked.

"We were fooled by a distraction." Levi replied plainly.

"W-What do you mean?" Petra stuttered.

"The bank robbery was only meant to distract us. Something else that's important is going on right now, and because we were already sent out, we can't go to another."

"So you're saying?" Erd egged on.

"My prediction is that if not already, there soon will be another call to the Survey Corps, and they will dispatch Hanji's squad. And after that, the (Y/N)'s unprepared Squad."

"But why just (Y/N)'s Squad?" Gunter asked carefully. "If what you're saying is true, wouldn't if be smarter to distract all five Squads before going in for the kill?"

"That would normally be the case, but I know Astia." Levi clenched his fists. "She's a vengeful spirit. She wants revenge from their last encounter."

"But that still makes no sense." Oluo furrowed his eyebrows. "How would Astia know the order of the Squads being dispatched?"

"That leads me to my next point." Levi looked up at his squad, making sure he had all of their attention before speaking quietly. "There's a traitor in the Survey Corps."

Unity~ Eren x Reader x Levi (Modern AU)Where stories live. Discover now