[Soul Eater] Kid x Reader: Hero [Part 1]

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Note: P/N= Partner's name

You and Kid had been assigned a risky mission. You were confident in your abilities, and your partner, P/N, was as determined as you were. P/N is a transforming gun-scythe (not a RWBY reference at all, what are you talking about?)

Kid, Liz, and Patty follow you and P/N to your destination, which was in the middle of the desert. "How much farther, Kid? My legs are getting tired and it's hot out here." Liz asks, her arms dangling by her sides. "Just a little farther, Liz." You look at her over your shoulder. You face forward before stopping in front of a building that appeared out of nowhere. Liz was freaking out. "W-W-W-When did that get there!?!?" She stutters, shaking in her boots. "Kid, is this the place?" You ask, unfazed by the structure's sudden appearance.

"Should be." He replies. You take a step inside, making sure there are no traps in the dark. You continue on, your back straight and your head held high. The others follow close behind. You couldn't see a flight of stairs in the dark and start to fall down them. "WAHH!"

"Y/N!" Kid gets his skateboard out and races down the stairs to catch you. You land in his arms, your body in pain from the fall. "Are you okay, Y/N?" Kid asks. "Yeah, I'm fine." You and Kid head back up the stairs, Kid still holding you. You both make it to the top and Kid puts you down. "Be careful, and watch your step." Kid warned. Everyone went down the stairs, and once they all got down, you press on, wanting to finish the mission as soon as possible.

After walking in the darkness for a while, you all find a room with light filtering in from above. A strange men is sitting on a chair in the center of the room. "P/N, scythe mode."

"Got it." Your partner transforms into his/her scythe form. Liz and Patty had transformed into their weapon forms as well. "Well, I was going to let you guys die painlessly, but I guess we've gotta do this the hard way." The mysterious man stands up. You rush in to attack, slashing at the man.

Amid the chaos of your attacks and the man's constant dodging, Kid shoots you on accident. "Gah!" You grasp your shoulder where the shot hit. "Y/N! Are you alright?" Kid asks from a distance. "Yeah, I'm fi-" The man kicks your side hard, flinging you against the wall. P/N slips out of your hands as you fly.

"Y/N!" Kid runs as fast as he can to you. The man beats him to you and stabs a sword through your shoulder. Your screams of pain echo throughout the room. The man laughs as your screams are music to his ears. Kid fires at the man, knocking him back. Both Kid and P/N are next to you. P/N pulls the sword out of your shoulder. You grip Kid's hand tightly, not wanting to let go.

The sword is successfully removed, leaving your shoulder bloody, the red fluid flowing down your arm. The man stands behind Kid. "Kid!" The man throws him off to the side and walks to you to finish the job. P/N moves in front of you. "You aren't going to lay another finger on my meister!" He/She glares at the man before being cast aside as well.

The man held a sword in his hand. He raises it high, ready for the final blow. Before you know what's happening, Kid is in front of you, taking the blow.

I wrote this at 12:00 in the morning, okay!? The things I do for you guys.

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