[Osomatsu-san] Osomatsu x Reader: Just A Normal Day...Right?

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Remember what I said at the end of the Ichi oneshot? About the car and the near death and pain? Yeah, I still have the draft for that in my notes, so time to replace every name. Btw, there's gonna be a good ending and a bad ending bc I'm a heartless monster.

Osomatsu and his brothers had went to the city to help out Y/N, since she was moving back to the town to live near the sextuplets. They were all pretty excited about it, since Y/N was one of the nicest people they knew, and they were pretty upset when she had moved away about two years ago.

Y/N ran across the street to the brothers (looking both ways before doing so, obviously. Unless you're a rebel.), giving each a hug when she made it across. "Guys, it's great to see you again! I can't wait to go back home with you guys! I don't really think that city life is for me." Y/N laughed a bit, forcing a smile that looked real enough to fool even Ichi into thinking it was genuine. She wasn't really lying about it though, the city really wasn't for someone as sweet and gullible as her.

The moment she had came here, it had been nothing but pain and heartbreak. Her first boyfriend there almost took it too far before she broke up with him on the spot, her second one constantly got drunk and almost accidentally killed her with a beer bottle once before she broke it off, the third one...well, let's not mention that creep, and the list goes on.

It had gotten to the point that she'd date just about anyone to be happy, which resulted in about thirteen bruises, three scars, and twenty trips to the hospital. Her bruises were still there, and she had to try her best to not show any signs of pain when Jyushi practically squished her to death, instead forcing a laugh.

"Anyway, c'mon! Let's get to my place!" Y/N had made the mistake of running into the street when the lights were green. The brothers could see a car practically speeding down the road, heading right for the girl. "Y/N! Look out!" They screamed in unison, drawing the girl's attention. Osomatsu bolted to Y/N, much to the brothers' surprise. Y/N was shoved to the sidewalk, with Oso instead being the one in the street. "Wha-" Oso mouthed something to her, but that was the least of her concerns.


Karamatsu and Y/N both shared the same fear filled expression-wide eyed and shrunken pupils. Y/N, however, was practically tearing up. The group didn't know which was worse, seeing Oso essentially risk his life to save Y/N, Y/N's fearful screams of said brother's name, or the fact Oso didn't even scream when the car struck him.

Eventually, Karamatsu snapped out of his fearful daze, running to his older brother's side. Y/N followed, thankful that people had stopped to check on the male. She fell to her knees next to Oso, Kara on the other side. "Oso! Oso, are you okay? Please say something!" Y/N cried out, desperately trying to get the male to wake up. Her tears were falling onto his cheeks, but he still wasn't making a sound.

Karamatsu moved to Y/N's side, bringing her close to him and holding her in his arms. She would constantly mutter 'it's all my fault' and 'it should have been me' between hiccups and sobs as she buried her face in Kara's chest, who would try to calm her down by telling her that she wasn't to blame for what had happened and that everything was going to be fine, though he would be lying if he said that he didn't feel like it was his fault, either. He could've been the one to push Y/N out of the street and take the hit instead of his brother, and he could've stopped Y/N from running into the street. He couldn't help but feel responsible for this.

A tear rolled down his cheek as he realized he could've prevented this from ever happening."Y/N, it's okay. It's not your fault." It's mine. He wanted to say it, but he knew Y/N would deny the possibility of anyone else being the one to blame.

A cough caused the two to look around frantically before hearing another one that drew their attention to Oso. "Osomatsu..?" Y/N's voice cracked as she moved back to his side. He cracked an eye open, surprising Y/N. "Oso! Osomatsu! Don't scare me like that, dammit!" She exclaimed, pulling the male into a hug. He hugged back, smiling a little. "At least you're alright." He said, hugging her a bit tighter. "I'm so sorry for being such an idiot. If I had just been paying attention-"

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