[Osomatsu-san] Karamatsu x Reader: Sakura

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No, this won't be sad, chill. I got this idea while I was on the bus one day. (Okay, it might be a little sad, but it's meant to be fluffy)

Y/N roamed the streets, earbuds in her ears as she listened to her music. As she passed a certain house, she could hear someone else playing a song she's never heard. She paused her music, following the sound of a guitar. When she reached the source, she saw a man sitting on the roof of his house, strumming a guitar while simultaneously singing. He wore a leather jacket, and pair of jeans, and brown boots, as well as a pair of sunglasses on his head. He had black hair and dark brown eyes.

She sat down near the house, listening to the song he was playing. Once she memorized the melody he was singing, she hummed along softly. She must've been humming a bit too loudly, because he had stopped playing. "Is someone there?" He asked. Y/N tried to hide by pressing her back against the building, but it was clear that wasn't going to work. "H-Hi." She moved away from the building, waving. "Sorry, I just heard you singing and I thought it was really sweet, so I just thought I'd stay here and listen. I-I'll go now, sorry for bothering you!"

She was about to walk away before the male's sharp voice rang out. "Wait!" She then hear a loud crash, which was probably him falling off the roof. Y/N immediately turned around and ran to his side. "Are you okay?!" She asked. "I'm alright, thank you. But, just to make sure I heard you correctly, did you say my singing was...sweet?" He asked, a hopeful look in his eyes.

"Huh? Yeah. There's something really calming and soothing about it." She noticed his face turn red a bit before slipping his sunglasses-which had miraculously survived his fall from the roof earlier-onto his face. "Ah, so you must be one of my Karamatsu girls~!" Y/N looked at him with a hint of confusion, but quickly shook it off. "Um, I-I guess? My name's Y/N L/N." She held her hand out to him, which he gladly took. "My name is Karamatsu Matsuno. But you can call me anytime~!" Then a bat was thrown at the male's head. "KARAMATSU NII-SAN, PLEASE, FOR THE LAST TIME, NEVER USE THAT PICK UP LINE AGAIN. YOU'RE EMBARRASSING ME."

Y/N looked and saw someone in the window who looked a lot like Karamatsu, except he wore a pink sweatshirt and had slightly bigger pupils. The window was then slammed shut. "Are you okay?!" Y/N asked, returning her attention to Karamatsu. "Still fine, this happens a lot." He replied, rubbing his head where the bat had been throw at him, seeming to have forgotten about his cool guy persona.

Once he realized, he quickly went back to acting cool. "Sorry about that, my Karamatsu girl. My brothers do this quite a lot."

"How many brothers do you have?" Y/N asked, curiously eyeing the window. "In due time, my dear Karamatsu girl!"

The two only got closer and closer after that incident, often going to places together. Y/N and her friend and housemate, Hannah, had meant his brothers, one of which was constantly trying to hookup with her until the third youngest, Ichimatsu, whacked him over the head with a baseball bat, while the third oldest, Choromatsu was probably planning on scolding both brothers for acting this way, in front of two girls, no less. The youngest, Todomatsu, had gotten along pretty well with her, even getting her phone number (much to Kara's jealousy. Not that he'd let his brothers know.). The second youngest, Jyushimatsu, was in the corner with Ichimatsu, swinging a bat while the older of the two counted each swing while Hannah sat with the two brothers.

Eventually, the time came for her to leave town. It was something all the brothers were dreading, since Y/N had grown to be a great friend, especially Karamatsu. When he found out she was leaving, he literally ran to her doorstep and begged for over five hours straight for her to stay.

The group stood in front of Y/N's shared home, Hannah next to Choromatsu. The two had gotten together after an incident involving Ichi attempting to hit Karamatsu, who got pulled out of the way by Y/N, which resulted in Hannah getting knocked into Choro, which resulted in the two accidentally kissing, and then things just got really awkward.

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