[Senyuu] Ross x Reader: Half Blind

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I did my research for this (by that I mean I just read through the wikia page halfway through writing this lol) and I'm surprised how in-character I got him like wow. Also the beginning is really cringy but I had no clue how to begin so the cringe just kinda happened.

"I'm gonna make you beg for mercy." I growled as this mysterious and psychotic person grinned at me in such a way it was terrifying. Just after they said that, they stabbed me right in my left eye. I screamed in pain as I writhed around, covering my eye as tears steamed down my face. My left eye stung terribly, as it hurt to move it and it hurt even more to have tears mixing with the blood. "Y/N?!" I could here Alba's voice, and I was praying Ross was with him. Of the two, Ross is definitely much more useful.

"What happened?!" The two couldn't see my face, as I was on my side with my back facing them. All I did was howl in pain. "What's with you?" I rolled over and glared at Ross as best as I could with one eye, but the two only noticed the blood seeping through my fingers. My breathing was shaky and fast and tears were running like rivers down my face. Ross looked angry, infuriated even. He turned to my assaultant, glaring daggers at the guy. Alba, on the other hand, seemed like he was internally panicking. I tried to stand, but my head felt light and I felt so weak. I fell on my side, blood now running down the other side of my face. I passed out hearing cries of my name.

I woke up laying in a grassy field a while later. There was something over my eye, probably an eyepatch. My hand was clean, not a single trace of blood, so my face was probably cleaned up too. It was nighttime, and the only source of light was a small fire that was starting to flicker out. "Hey, you're okay!" Alba exclaimed. "You had us worried, you know!"

"I-I did? Sorry..." I looked at my hand, laughing softly. "Look at me. I'm a foolish mess. I thought I could kill this big time villain by myself and look what happened. I'm truly useless."

"Don't say that!" Alba yelled. "Yeah. If anything, Alba's the useless character no one cares about." Ross added. "H-Hey! I doubt now's really the time for that!" I stood up and sighed. "Am I really needed here? I mean, what have I done for anyone so far? All I ever did was try to fight someone and get stabbed in the eye. I know where I'm not wanted." With that, I ran off into the dark.

I stopped running after a while, when the light from their campfire was out of sight. I sat on my knees on the ground, catching my breath. Tears were pouring down my face. I fell on my side and cried. I didn't know how long it had been, but after a while, I heard a set of footsteps. Someone yanked me up by my hair, and only then did I get a look at their face. There he was, the one who had attempted to kill me, my attacker. I gasped, panicking a little bit. "I see you remember me. Well, I think it's time to finish what I started!"

I kicked him in the stomach, slipping away and running as fast as I could. Just as I started to see the light from the campfire in sight, there was a sharp pain in my back that caused me to fall on the ground. I reached over and pulled out an arrow that had been shot into my back. I quickly got back up and started running again. I could see the fire and the figures of Alba and Ross near it before an arrow was shot in my leg just above the back of my knee. I toppled over and growled in frustration before something was stabbed into the ground next to my head. My heart stopped for a second and my breathing was cut short.

"This time, you're not getting away! I'm going to kill you and no one can stop me from doing it!" Then a sword was stabbed into my stomach. Only then did I scream. Then I felt it stab my side. Tears started welling up in my eyes and poured out as I started breathing harder and heavier. Then he stabbed me again, almost into my lungs. I screamed louder than I've ever screamed before. Just before the final blow was dealt, there was yelling, followed by a scream, then silence. I covered my face, whimpering and sobbing as I tried to calm down. Then I felt a hand on my shoulder and I tensed up. "Relax. It's just me." My shoulders relaxed as Ross spoke.

I knew he heard my sobs as he simply patted my shoulder in a comforting way. "It hurts, Ross. It really hurts." I choked out. "I know..." I felt the pain lessen as he healed my wounds. There was an awkward silence as neither of us said a word for a while.

"Ross, can't you heal my eye?" He was silent for a while. "It might be too damaged for me to heal properly. I'm sorry." That was one word I never thought I'd ever hear coming from the sadistic soldier, especially if he truly meant it. He spoke so sincerely and I didn't have anything to say. "I...I see. Well, I didn't need depth perception anyway." I sighed.

"If it makes you feel any better, you look pretty cool with an eyepatch."

"That's...not really helping."

"Well, maybe this will." He cupped my cheek and kissed me straight on the lips. It was sweet and surprisingly gentle, and ended quickly. "How's that?" I practically threw myself at him, wrapping my arms around his neck. "Perfect."

This took too long I'm sorry. I started this a long time ago, like probably January or February, but I was still new to Senyuu so it was a while ago. And now here I am like two months later.

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