[Gurren Lagann] Kamina x Reader: Never Forget

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"Hey, Y/N." Simon greeted as Y/N entered Littner Village's stronghold. She yawned, rubbing her eyes. "Hey there, Simon." She yawned again. "Hey, Leeron, you mind making me some coffee?" Y/N called. "Hang on, I just have a few more things to finish up. That okay?"

"It's fine. You do what you need to." Y/N sat herself next to Simon, sighing. "It sure is crazy up on the surface, isn't it, Simon?" She said, watching Yoko do maintenance on her rifle. "Yeah. But, I kinda like it up here. The sky's nice, and I like the wind on my face. It's just really pretty up here." Simon rambled a bit. Leeron came over with a cup of coffee for Y/N. "Here you go. It's still hot, so you might wanna give it a minute." He said, handing the cup to Y/N. "Thanks." Leeron left, leaving the two alone again.

"Y'know, I haven't seen Kamina lately." Y/N stated. "There're still Gunman outside, so Bro's helping take care of them."

"Why aren't you out there, Simon?"

"I got tired. I didn't sleep too well last night." He replied simply. "Well, guess we're in the same boat, buddy. The guys I'm stuck sharing a room with snore like pigs. I haven't had a good night's sleep in a few days." Y/N took a sip of the coffee that she left next to her. "Bitter..." The bitter taste lingered on her tongue, but if it meant keeping herself awake for a little while longer, she was willing to deal with it.

"Why not tell Yoko or something?"

"Huh, I never thought of-"

"Hey guys! How's it been?!" Someone slapped Y/N on the back while she was taking another sip of her coffee, causing her to spit it out and go into a coughing fit. "B-Bro! You scared me for a second!" Simon exclaimed. "Heh, sorry, blood brother!" Y/N, once she recovered from her coughing fit, hit Kamina in the back of his knees, bringing him down. "Dammit, Kamina! Next time at least have common courtesy and wait for me to finish my drink before you slap me on the back like that!" Y/N yelled, wiping off the coffee that had ran down her chin.

"Hey, Y/N, you look exhausted." Yoko stated as she walked over. "Thanks for stating the obvious, thunder tits." Yoko was visibly embarrassed by that comment, but didn't comment. "It's not my fault some people snore up a storm and make it impossible to sleep. Also one of them kicks in their sleep and I think one tried to grab my-"

"OKAY, I get it!" Yoko swiftly cut Y/N off before she could finish that thought. "Hey, Y/N, y'know you can always crash with us! I don't mind, I doubt Simon minds either! Right, Simon?"

"Y-Yeah! I don't mind!"

"I don't know whether or not to accept that offer because I fear for my personal space." Y/N replied. "Aw, c'mon! I'm not that bad! Right, Yoko?" Kamina looked up at the red head. "Ehhhhhh..." She looked everywhere but Kamina. "Simon, you believe me, right?" Simon just stayed silent, biting his lip. "Aw, what?!" Y/N chuckled at Kamina's reaction. "Alright, alright, I guess. It'd probably be better than no sleep at all, anyway." Y/N replied, yawning after. "I guess that settles it then." Yoko put a hand on her hip.

"Alright! Let's get some grub then hit the hay! C'mon, guys!" Kamina then grabbed Y/N and Simon by their jackets, dragging them off. "B-Bro?!" "Kaminaaaaa! My coffeeeeee!"

Roughly two hours later and the three were in the room they were sleeping in, which was actually the supply room. "Huh. And here I was thinking you two had an actual room." Y/N commented. "Yeah, apparently there're only so many rooms here." Simon laughed nervously. "Who cares about that? As long as it's comfortable, I can sleep wherever I want!" Kamina burst out. "Wow, even now, you're still loud as ever." Y/N laughed. "Hey! A leader's always gotta be full of energy! Ain't that right, Simon?"


"And an idiot's always gotta be ready to pull off a crazy plan, right, Kamina?" Y/N asked, knowing he'd answer. "Yeah!" Y/N struggled to hold back her laughter. "He basically admitted he was an idiot!" Realization hit Kamina like a punch to the face from a gunman. "Hey! You just called me an idiot, didn't you?!" Y/N burst out laughing. "You admitted to it, though!" Y/N gasped between her laughter. "Y-You set me up!" Kamina retorted, stuttering.

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