[Hunter X Hunter] Gon Freecs x Reader: The x Hunter x Exam

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She can't pass the exam.

Just watch, she's gonna run back here with tears in her eyes when she fails.

I bet she won't last a day in that exam.

Y/N, don't say I didn't warn you.

I felt like crying as those words crossed my mind, but I managed to hold them back. I had to stay strong if I wanted to pass this exam. As I was lost in thought, someone walked over to me. "Hey, is something wrong?" I looked up and saw Gon, one of the many participants in the exam. I knew him for a long time, since I was about 5. We had become pretty close in that time, and he's always been looking out for me, now more than ever. Considering that the chance of dying for people who aren't even remotely as strong as Hisoka is near 100, it's understandable.

"Nothing, I'm fine." I replied quickly. "But you look pale. Are you sick?" I looked at the boy with a hint of annoyance. "I'm fine. F-I-N-E FINE. Get off my case." I pulled my hood up to hide my face. "O-Okay then." Gon backed away before turning around and running to someone else, a blond haired boy and a man with a briefcase. I figured I'd walk over, seeing as Gon's group was the most normal looking. "Hey." I waved at them. "Hello. Who are you?" The blond asked, curiously. "Y/N. I'm one of Gon's friends." I answered. I held up my badge, the number 406 imprinted on it in black so they would know my number. The blond had a badge with the number 404 on it. "I'm Kurapika. It's nice to meet you." The other one, who's number was 403, spoke up. "Name's Leorio. It's nice to meet you." I smiled and looked at Gon, who was practically beaming. Light shone through the dark area. "Phase one of the Hunter Exam will now commence." Finally!

Why is life so cruel!? My thoughts echoed throughout my mind as I ran, my legs tired and feet in pain. "They were right about one thing. This exam is the DEFINITION of torture!" I exclaimed, my legs feeling like they would give out at any moment. "Hey!" I turned to look behind me and saw Gon, a soft sigh of annoyance escaping my lips and causing my breath to quicken. I knew I shouldn't have skipped gym in grade school! "Are you alright?"

"This again? What, do I look like a weakling to you?" I exclaimed between breaths. "No! You just look really tired and I wanted to see if you were okay." He replied. A boy ran next to Gon, his blue eyes seemed to stare into my very soul. I shivered a bit. "Gon, who's this?" The albino asked bluntly. "Oh, Killua, this is Y/N! Y/N, this is Killua!" I waved a bit at the boy, who waved back. I sighed before tripping over something on the path. I tried to land on my side, but I was already three inches away from the ground when I started. I attempted to stop myself, but I only succeeded in hurting myself. I had scraped my knees on the ground, bits of dirt getting into the wounds. My hands were blistering and a bit of skin was peeling off.

"Are you alright?!" Gon ran over to me, Killua close behind. "What the hell are you doing?! You're gonna get left behind, idiot!" I yelled, rolling onto my back. "I think it's a bit to late for that..." Killua stated. The two of us looked ahead and saw no sign of the other contestants. "Wh-What?! Oh god, we're lost! That's it! We failed! We're gonna die out here! Oh, this is HOPELESS!" I scrambled to my feet, ignoring the stinging pain in my knees. "Hey, calm down!"

"Calm down? CALM DOWN?! We're lost, we have no idea where to go, no one is going to help us, and you're here telling me to CALM DOWN?! ARE YOU AN IDIOT?!" Gon didn't seem to hear me because he ran off. Killua had already gone ahead, so I was alone. I panicked and quickly followed. I wanted to be near someone-anyone really- in this terrifying place. Besides, the examiners did say this place was riddled with deadly plants and animals.

"Gon! What are you doing?! Wait for-" I stopped dead in my tracks. A bunch of bodies were in a circle on the ground, with Hisoka standing in the center. Leorio was unconscious against a tree. I gasped, covering my mouth with my hands. Hisoka seemed to notice us. "Ah, more toys to play with~!"

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