[Kingdom Hearts] Sora x Reader: Missing Something Important

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Boredom made this and boredom is gonna decide when it's finished. I've also been reading a Kingdom Hearts novel lately, so why not? Plus, the KH3 hype, so yeah. All the pictures of Sora I found were just so cute Anyway, on the the thing that you guys like to read for some reason.

I ran up the stairs of Traverse Town, Heartless giving chase. I ran into the second district, slamming the door closed. "God, those things don't know when to-" a shadow in front of me drew my attention. A giant Heartless, at least twice my size, loomed over me. I screamed, running for cover. "GAAHH! Of all the nights I come here, why did tonight have to be crap?!" I yelled, covering my head with my hands. My eyes were shut tight in fear.

I ran into a dead end. "No! NonononononoNO!" I began to hyperventilate as the giant creature drew near. "Take this!" I look up to see a boy fighting the monster. It turned to light then disappeared. "Who are you?" I asked, the boy turning to me. "Me?" He points to himself. I laughed. "You're the only person here right now, so who else would I be talking to?"

"Anyway, I'm Sora. You are?" He smiled. "Y/N. Thanks for the save back there, Sora. Quite a mess I got myself into." I put my hands behind my back. "No problem." He placed his hands behind his head and smiled. There was something about him that made my heart pound in delight. If that's even a thing. "Well, I've gotta go. See ya!" He waved and ran off. He dropped something. I ran to pick it up. "Hey, you dropped-" He was nowhere to be found. I looked at the object. It was a bracelet made of pink shells. "Maybe he'll come back for it." I put it in my pocket, clinging to the hope he'll come get it.

-Sora's POV-
"How do I get out of here?" I sighed. I reach into my pocket and realization strikes me in the side of the head. "What the-where is it!?" I checked every pocket and Kairi's charm was gone. "Maybe I dropped it when I saved that girl." I ran back to the district she had been in and she was gone. "I guess I'll come back here later." I sighed, looking around to make sure she wasn't here.

-A month later-
"Maybe she'll be here this time." I asked myself. "What're we doing here?" Donald asked, clearly annoyed. "I lost something important to me last time. I think someone found it, but I couldn't find them. I figured I would come some other time." I explained. Donald seemed slightly less angry with me, but he was still glaring. I ran to the second district, Donald and Goofy close behind. Someone was surrounded by Heartless, slumped against the wall. They held their hand up weakly, as if hoping the creatures would back off. I felt like I've seen them somewhere before, but I just couldn't put my finger on it.

I fought the Heartless away, before looking at the person I saved. "That's the second time you've saved my life. Thank you, Sora." I realized who it was. "Y/N?" She was beaten, probably from the Heartless. Cuts covered her body and her knee was scraped. Her (h/l), (h/c) bangs covered half of her face.

I ran over to her, getting to my knees to get a closer look at her. "Who would've thought we'd meet again like this. Hehehe-ow..." She held her arm, one eye tightly closed. "Are you okay?" She nodded. I noticed she was holding something in her hand. She opened her hand and showed the bracelet from Kairi. "H-How did you..." She took my hand and put the bracelet in it. "Try not to lose it again, okay? You might not be so lucky to have me around if you drop it." She smiled. Something about her smile made me happy, even if it was fake. "Is your arm okay?" I asked. She nodded. "Sora, just leave me here. I'll be fine, okay?" Y/N urged. "Guys, go find Leon. I'll stay here." I ordered. They went off to find him. "Sora, you really don't have to do this. I mean, it's not like I'm gonna die or anything." Y/N stated. "I just want to help you. You helped me, so I'm returning the favor." I said, keeping an eye out for Leon or Yuffie. Donald and Goofy came back with Yuffie. "Yuffie, can you help Y/N? She's badly injured."

"Sure! I'll get her to Aerith." Yuffie slung Y/N over her shoulder, seemingly forgetting what I said about her being in pain.
Please tell me I spelt Aerith's name right.

"Sora, why did you help me? I told you a thousand times I didn't need your help." Y/N kept trying to pray answers out of me. "I didn't want you to die, that's why! The moment I would leave, the Heartless would come back and kill you. I'm not the kind of person to just let that happen." She remained silent as she hung her head. I heard a strange sound from her, and immediately drew my attention to her. "Thank you so much. Thank you." She sobbed.

"What's wrong? Why are you crying?" I asked, getting on my knees. She pulled me into a hug. "No one's ever so much as look at me, and then you came around and saved my life. Thank you." I wrapped my arms around her. She held on tighter, as if she didn't want to let go. "Are you feeling better now?" She pulled back. "Yeah. Thanks for everything, Sora!" She smiled, her face still stained with tears. I stood up, and she did the same. "So, well will I see you again?" She asked, her face a bit red. "I'll come back once this is all over. I promise." I walked out, leaving Y/N behind.

-Five years later-
"He's been gone for so long. Maybe he forgot." I thought. "I'll come back once this is all over. I promise." Those were the last words he'd said to me before leaving for five whole years. I felt tears in my eyes, but I didn't bother to wipe them. "Hey, you didn't think I would break my promise, did you?" I looked up and saw Sora. He was taller than last time. A lot taller. He looked a lot different, too. (Just think of KH3 Sora)

"And who might you be?" I asked jokingly. He had a dumbfounded look on his face. "What are you talking about? It's me, Sora!" He said. I started laughing. "I'm only kidding. I remember you quite well." I shook my head. I wiped the tears that had run down my face. "Jokes aside, it's great to see you again." I walked over to him. "Why were you gone for so long? I've missed you so much." His eyes wandered, as if he was trying to think up an excuse. "Um...uh...my adventure ended up being longer than I thought. Sorry." He sighed. "Well, it's fine. After all, you made it here in one piece, so that's something." I smiled, tilting my head to the side. Sora's face turned a bit red upon seeing my face. Does he like me? Like, LIKE like me?! My heart began to race, skipping a few beats.

"Y-Y/N?" He looked at me, his blue eyes locking with my (e/c) ones. "Y-yeah, Sora?" We both closed the distance between the two of us, our faces getting redder with every step we took. "Um..." I tried to find the right words to say. Sora appeared to be doing the same. "I may, um, imayhaveasmallcrushonyou." We both spoke so fast we couldn't understand each other. I realized what he said, and my face was like a tomato. "R-Really?" I met his gaze,before he looked away.

"Yeah." Smiling, I stood on my toes and gave him a peck on the cheek, causing his face to turn even redder than me. And I was pretty damn red. "So do I."

Sora's probably so OOC in this I'm so sorry.

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