[Osomatsu-san] Choromatsu x Reader: He Tries His Best

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Fluffiness for everyone! (Says that while casually listening to From Y to Y haha.)

"Choromatsu, good morning!" Y/N smiled as she waved to the third eldest brother of the Matsuno sextuplets, who's face seemed to turn completely red just by looking at the girl as he stepped outside the house. The whole neighborhood was well aware of his crush on the girl. It was painfully obvious, even more painful than Karamatsu's fashion. And that's saying something. "O-Oh! Hi, Y/N-chan!" Choro waved to the girl, his blush still present.

"Oi, Choro, isn't that the girl you like?" Osomatsu asked, clearly ignoring his younger brother's panicked expression when he spoke. "Osomatsu nii-san! She's right there!" Replied a panicked and flustered Choromatsu, much to the older brother's amusement. "Dude, everyone knows about your massive crush on her. It's really not a secret at this point." Choro pouted, which Y/N seemed to find adorable. "Osomatsu, I think his face is as red as your hoodie right now." Y/N giggled at the sight. "Huh, I guess you're right, Y/N-chan." He laughed, holding his sleeve next to Choro's face for comparison.

"Shut up, stupid nii-san." Choro flicked the older brother's head. They may be in their twenties, but deep down, they're still kids. Y/N giggled again, pinching Choro's cheeks. I swear, if he gets any redder, he'll probably faint or something. Oso thought to himself.

"My god, you're so cute and dorky!" Y/N cooed, still pinching the cheeks of a bright red Choromatsu. "St-Stop it!" He whined. It was a sort of cute sight, in a way. The way Y/N was smiling brightly at the already bright red Choro made his face turn even redder than it was, if that was even possible. Osomatsu laughed a bit to himself. "I'll leave you two lovebirds alone now!" He walked back into the house, much to the dismay of Choromatsu.

"H-Hey! Get back here! Osomatsu nii-san!" Choro shouted, Y/N still pinching the boy's cheeks. "How is it possible that you can look so cute even in your twenties?!" Y/N asked, having finally stopped pinching his cheeks.

Calm down, Choromatsu. She's just Y/N. Just the girl who always talked to you in grade school. Just the girl who was always interested in what you had to say. Just the girl who's presence alone makes you a blushing mess. Just the girl who visited you everyday when you had tried to be independent. Just the girl who...dammit, Choromatsu, this isn't helping the fact that you're face is so red that you're getting light headed! Y/N snapped the boy out of his thoughts by waving her hand in front of his face. "Hello? Earth to Choromatsu?" He snapped back to reality, smiling nervously. "Huh? O-Oh! Sorry for z-zoning out on you!" He apologized nervously.

"It's fine! So!" Y/N clapped her hands together, surprising the nervous male. "Where do you wanna go today?" She asked. He was a bit surprised, since Y/N had always picked where they went. "U-Um, where ever you want to, I guess." Y/N's smile faltered for a moment, but it quickly returned once again. "Okay! I guess we can walk around and look for something to do!" She grabbed the boy's wrist, his face turning even redder than one would think possible.

The two arrived at a cliff. It gave a nice view of the small town, and it was very peaceful and quiet, since not very many people knew about this place. Y/N sighed, sitting down on the grass. "Come on, why don't you sit down?" She stated, patting the spot next to her. Choromatsu reluctantly agreed, sitting next to her on the grass. The sun had started setting as a rather awkward silence fell between the two.

"Y'know," Y/N spoke up, breaking the silence. "My first boyfriend confessed to me here back in the tenth grade. Turns out he just liked me for my looks. Whenever I was talking to him, I'd catch him staring at my boobs. He was a huge prick, too. He'd ask me for money, I gave it to him, and I'd never get anything in return. That's the main reason I dumped him. He was really nothing more than a selfish jerk." She sighed, falling back on the ground.

"I just want a boyfriend who's nice, cute, and not a perv or a selfish prick." She said, pouting. She then sat up, yawning and rubbing her eyes. "We should really get going soon." She said, starting to nod off. Choromatsu noticed this and was about to stand up before Y/N had started to rest her head on his shoulder. "Um, hey, Choro. Would you like to, I dunno, maybe be my boyfriend?" Y/N swore she'd never seen Choro so happy in the amount of time she's know him.

He hugged her tightly, surprising the girl. "Of course! I would be happy to be your boyfriend, Y/N!" Y/N laughed a bit at his reaction. "You're so cute when your happy!" She said, ruffling his hair. She did expect his face to turn completely red, but what she didn't expect was for him to put his hands on her cheeks and kiss her straight on the lips. After a few seconds, she melted into the kiss, smiling a bit throughout. The two parted for air, smiling at each other. "I-I love you." Choro had mustered up the courage to say that. Y/N laughed a bit. "I love you too."

I honestly think Choro is adorable. Not even making that up. The picture does NOT help lol. I need a life.


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