[The World Ends With You] Neku Sakuraba x Reader: Frozen

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No, not the movie. Don't even think about it. Instead, think of Neku in an Elsa cosplay singing 'Let It Go'. Now THAT'S comedy gold. Anyway, I hope you got a good laugh outta that bc I wanna make this as sad as possible. Aren't I great?

Y/N wanted to scream as she was shoved into a freezing cold room, the door slamming shut and a faint 'click' indicating it had been locked. Y/N ran up to the door, pounding on it as hard as she could. "Let me out, you jerks! The hell'd I do to you!?" She screamed. A loud bang on the door, not caused by her, surprised her. "Shut it!"

-The next day-
-Neku's POV-
I sighed, my hands in my pockets as I waited for my friends to show. Shiki told me that we'd be meeting in front of 104, so I went there. Shiki ran over, her glasses sliding off her face a bit. "Hey, I thought Y/N was coming with you today." I stated, noticing her absence. "I thought she was with you."

"Maybe she's with Beat and Rhyme." I passed her toward the scramble crossing, seeing both Beat and Rhyme running to join us. But Y/N was nowhere to be seen. "Guys, you didn't happen to see Y/N on your way here, did you?" Shiki asked, turning to face them. "Can't say we have." Rhyme replied. "Nah. Oh, think she got kidnapped or somethin'?" Beat asked.

"Beat, you say that every time someone shows up late. And you're wrong every. Single. Time." I stated. "We shouldn't rule out the possibility, though. Remember that news report? Apparently this crazy guy broke out of jail and started kidnapping people. Every person he kidnapped was in between the ages of ten and thirty. So far, every body they found turned up in a freezer." Shiki stated. "Man, how would ya fit a body in a freezer?" Beat asked, yet again making a complete fool of himself. "I believe she means the giant freezers in restaurants." I stated. "Wouldn't the door be huge, though?" I facepalmed. "Like the freezer they keep the food in SpongeBob, dumbass!"

"Ohhhhh! Okay." I really wanted to chuck something at the idiot, but I knew both Shiki AND Rhyme would probably yell at me, though Shiki would probably be the angrier of the two.

"Anyway," I began, gritting my teeth in anger. "We should look for Y/N. For all we know, she could be kidnapped, or worse." I stated, my anger slowly fading away. "Man, I hope she's okay." Beat said, looking at the ground with a hint of worry. "I heard she ran off because of something. I wonder what happened." Rhyme added. I felt guilt creep up my spine. See, me and Y/N had gotten in a fight yesterday, and, trust me, I still feel like shit.

"It's always about you! They're always paying attention to you! They never got me gifts or brought me places!" Y/N yelled, each word dripping with anger and hatred. "How the hell is this my fault! You never show up when we meet up! And you rarely speak when you DO show!" I retorted, clenching my fists in sheer anger. "It's not my fault I always sleep in! Shiki always texts me until it's three in the morning!" She stamped her foot on the ground. "Then tell her to stop! It's not that hard!"

"She never listens! She's always listening to you!"

"Dammit, I WISH YOU'D STOP COMPLAINING ABOUT EVERYTHING THAT ISN'T MY FAULT!" I screamed, practically exploding with anger. I looked at her. She was looking at the ground, her breathing slightly faster than before. She looked up, hot tears pouring down her face. My demeanor changed almost entirely. "Y/N, I-I'm sorry. Please calm down before one of us does something we'll-"

"I wish I'd never met you, you asshole!" She ran down the street and out of sight. I ran after her, but I couldn't keep up. She had already disappeared from my sight.

I balled up my hands into tight fists. I hated myself.she could be dead because of me. "Phones? Phooonees? YO, PHONES." Beat shouted in my face, making me jump. "Is something wrong, Neku?" Shiki asked, her face holding all kinds of worry. "I'm fine. Let's go look for Y/N."

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