[Osomatsu-san] Ichimatsu x Reader: Apologies

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Hahaha, why has no one stopped me yet.

Y/N entered the brothers' house, seeking shelter from the pouring rain. Her house was way too far down the road, so she wouldn't be able to get there completely dry. "Hello? Anyone home?" She had walked in just as Ichimatsu, the third youngest brother, was storming out. He looked like he'd assault literally anyone in his way. "Ichi, what's wrong?"

"Out of my way." Y/N refused to listen, standing in front of the door and in his way. "Not until you tell me what's wrong." His glare got intense, though, despite that, Y/N didn't shrink under his menacing gaze, instead returning a glare at him. "What's wrong." She asked, though she sounded more like she was demanding to know rather than asking.

In a split second, Y/N went from being in front of the door to being pinned to the wall, Ichi holding her by the throat. "Ichi! Stop! Please!" She begged, constantly gasping for breath as she clawed at his hand, despite the fact it wasn't working. A few tears started to make their way to her eyes, causing her vision to blur. "Pl...ease..! I...chi..!" Her face started to turn blue, and it was only then that he let her go, watching her drop to the floor.

Y/N coughed and gasped for air, holding her throat as tears continued to fall. "Why? Why did you do that?! You could've killed me!" She yelled, probably loud enough for the other five brothers AND their parents to hear. She looked down, more tears falling down her face than before. If she wasn't angry before, she was definitely angry now. She elbowed Ichi in the stomach before running out the front door, no longer caring about the rain. She was going to run all the way to her house even if she'd be soaked.

However, halfway down the road, someone grabbed her wrist, forcing her to stop. "Let me go, you bastard!" She yelled, trying to pull her arm away from whoever currently held it. She turned around, seeing the last person she'd expect. "Ichi...?"

Ichimatsu started dragging her back to the house that he shared with his brothers, while Y/N struggled to free her arm from his iron grip. "Let me go! Stop! I don't want to be anywhere near you after what you did to me!" She yelled.

"Shut up. You're making it sound dirty." Ichimatsu glared at her from over his shoulder, though Y/N could faintly see a bit of puffiness underneath his eyes. She sighed, letting Ichi drag her the rest of the way.

"Ichi, I'm still curious about why you were so angry when I came in. Was it because of your brothers? Were you just in a bad mood?" After a few seconds of silence, she started to worry. "Was it because of me?" Ichimatsu stopped walking, which surprised Y/N. "Ichi?"

He hasn't really been acting like his usual self today. What's up with him? Suddenly, and without any indication, he turned around and quickly pulled Y/N close to him, his head resting on her shoulder, which was soaked from the rain. "Ichi? Please, tell me what's wrong. I don't want to stay left in the dark. I won't judge you or hate you." She put her arms around him, nuzzling into his shoulder. "Now, please, let me in. Let me know what you're thinking." He thought about whether or not he really wanted to tell her.

"Hey, Ichimatsu! I heard you've got a crush on a certain someone! You gonna tell her, or does Onii-san need to do it for you?"

"I...I'm sorry I almost killed you earlier. I...I love you." Y/N's eyes widened. "I-Ichi... I-I don't know what to say, but..." She moved so that way Ichimatsu's face was visible to her. Her smile was soft and calming, helping the male relax a bit. He held Y/N's face in his hands, who nuzzled her face into one. Taking a deep breath, he brought her face closer to his. Y/N knew what he wanted, and pressed her lips against his. He froze up at first before returning the kiss, deepening it by pulling Y/N closer. The two eventually parted for air.

"I love you too, Ichi."

I originally planned for Y/N to almost get hit by a car and have Ichi shove her out of the way and get hit instead. Be happy I didn't do that.

Yet. *evil laugh*

Btw I slipped a reference in here, so if you spot it, hats off to you. (Hint: it's one of the things Y/N says.)

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