[Hunter X Hunter] Kurapika x Reader: The x Spider x Mark

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When I typed the title, my playlist went to the first opening. Coincidence? I THINK NOT! Also, I'm not that far, so
1: Please don't spoil anything past episode 10
2: If this sucks, please know that I tried
3: I'm replacing Tompa with Reader-Chan. Just figured I'd tell you.

"Go Kurapika! Whoo!" Y/N yelled, excitedly jumping up and down and almost falling into the dark abyss below at times. Once, she almost fell off before Leorio caught her. Killua eyed her sometimes, but for the most part ignored her. Gon watched Kurapika, as if Y/N's crazy screaming wasn't even there. Then, Majitani turned his back to face Kurapika. He froze. A mark in the shape of a spider was imprinted on Majitani's back. Y/N stopped cheering, noticing Kurapika's sudden change in breath. It became ragged and heavy, as if he was about to snap. Which he did.

He seemed to disappear before appearing right in front of Majitani, grabbing his jaw. Then, he slammed him into the ground. Only then were his now scarlet eyes seen. Y/N froze. She knew something was wrong. As Kurapika walked back, she saw his eyes change back to their usual grey color. He held his head as if he was in pain.

"Kurapika, what was that?" Leorio asked, fear thinly lined in his voice. "More importantly, is it safe for us to be near you?" He followed up his previous question, backing up as Kurapika stepped onto the small platform.

"I was fine, but when I saw that mark, even though I knew it was fake, my vision just turned red and I just lost it. It only happens when I see a spider-any kind of spider-so you should be fine." He said before sitting down at the entrance of the room. Y/N approached him, a mix of fear and concern in her eyes. "I think we should keep Kurapika away from spiders." Gon commented. "Yeah, definitely." Leorio replied, still a bit shaken up.

"Kurapika? Are you okay? You don't seem like yourself." Y/N sat next to him, drawing his attention. "I'm fine. Don't worry." He stared at the floor. "You're scared." He looked up at her. "Huh?"

"You're scared that you might lose control and hurt one of us, are you?" Kurapika looked at her, eyes wide. He nodded hesitantly. She sat down next to him, put an arm over his shoulder and pulled him a bit closer to her. Kurapika was a bit surprised, but he didn't really mind. "Well, if that ever does happen, I just want you to know we won't hold it against you." She turned to him and smiled. Y/N had a special talent for making people happy. Kurapika smiled, resting his head on Y/N's shoulder. "I know."

My god, that was not my best work XD. This is what happens when I try to write a one-shot for a series I just started. Don't expect another Hunter X Hunter one-shot anytime soon, folks.


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