[Kekkai Sensen] Leonardo Watch x Reader: Black Out

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So, I started watching this anime not that long ago and it's SO GOOD! I especially love the OP. Doesn't help it's by one of my favorite Japanese bands. And the characters ohhh my god they're all great (and so are the voice actors dude Aaron Dismuke did great as Leo). Speaking of Leo, I love him and he's my favorite character and I kinda wish he was able to do more. But his powers are cool! He's just such a sweet boy okay.

"Leo, you know how dangerous this job can be, right?"

"Of course I do. This is Libra."

"If you know that, then why do you put yourself in a position where you could very likely be killed??"

"You worry too much. Everyone here looks out for me, you know that as well as I do. There's no need for you to be so worried." I ruffled the girl's hair, watching her brush it back into place. "I know that. But I still can't shake the feeling something might happen to you. You'll be careful, right?"

"...Yeah. I'll be careful. Promise."

Rubble surrounded me, my body trapped under a chunk of a building. How this happened, I didn't have a clue. I had blacked out momentarily. Everything from the past few minutes was a blur. "Zapp! Klaus! Chain! Anyone! Help!" I screamed. Something fell and landed on my head and everything went black.

"_eo! W___ up! L_o!"

I opened my eyes, assaulted by bright lights. Someone was yelling something. "He's awake! Hey guys, he's awake!" Hovering over me was a girl with (h/l) (h/c) hair and (e/c) eyes. She was smiling at me. "Where am I? What happened? Ugh, everything's a big blur." I sat up. I was surrounded by all these people I didn't know. Yet they looked so familiar, like I had met them before. I tried to recall how I knew them, but came up blank. "Hey, Leo? Something wrong? You look confused."

"What are you talking about? Who's Leo?" Everyone was looking at me as if I said something horrible. "Wh-What? You're kidding, right?" The girl looked like she was on the verge of tears. "I'm sorry, you must've gotten me mixed up with somebody else. I'm...um...who am I?!" I was freaking out. I couldn't remember anything. All I could recall were the events that led to this. Everything else was either incredibly blurred or just nonexistent. I couldn't breathe right. Surely there's something I remember, right?!

"So, you're Leonardo Watch, right? The chief's told me a lot about you." A (h/c) haired girl said as she walked over to me. "H-He has?"

"All good things! Don't worry!" She laughed. Her laugh was so sweet, I couldn't help but smile. "Anyway, I'm Y/N L/N. I hope I can get to know you better, Leo."

"I hope so too, Y/N

No, that can't be. I've never met this girl in my whole life! Unless... "U-Um, excuse me, miss, but, wh-what's your name?" The girl, who had started crying while I was lost in thought, managed to control her sniffling and sobbing long enough to answer. "It's Y/N L/N. How could you forget my name?"

"He must've lost his memory during the attack." I turned to this big guy who had spoken up. Now that I thought about it, it did explain why I could barely remember a thing.

"Could you guys...do me a favor?" I gulped. I was so damn nervous. "Could you...I mean, if...um..." I looked at the big guy, trying to remember his name. "Klaus."

"Right. If Klaus is right, then...can you please help me get my memory back? I...I feel like I'm missing something important, but I don't know what. Please, you've gotta help me!"

"Of course. I don't want to leave you like this, Leo. We'll help you as best as we can." Y/N stood up, wiping tears from her face. "Thank you."

"Leo, do you remember anything now?" Y/N asked. We were sitting under a tree in the park. It had been about five months since I lost my memory. "I remember somethings, but nothing really important." I said while looking through the photos in my camera I remembered I had about a week ago. I didn't even remember taking most of these. Then I came across a picture of a girl with long, light brown hair tied back with a black ribbon. Something about her was so familiar, something I couldn't put my finger on. Then it hit me. Hard.
"If you you must take it, take it from me!" Those words echoed in my mind. I was frozen in place. "Michella..!"
"Leo? Are you alright?." I snapped back to reality. My hands were shaking and my eyes were beginning to leak. "Can we head back to Libra?" My voice was shaky. She rested a hand on mine. "Sure. C'mon."

The entire walk back was silent. I was trying my best not to cry. I hated that memory. I hated it because it reminded me of how much of a cowardly screwup I am.

Once we returned to Libra, Y/N walked me over to a couch and we both sat down. I bit my lip and tried to keep myself from crying. Of course, that didn't work. A few tears later and I was sobbing with my hands over my face, trying to hide my tears from the others in the office. Arms wrapped around me and pulled me back into someone. I looked up and saw Y/N giving me a comforting smile. Tears came out faster and I threw my arms around her, my hands clinging to the clothes on her back. I just cried and choked on my tears and let it out. And the entire time, Y/N just held me and ran her fingers through my hair.

Six months after that and I had all my memories back. And I remembered just how much I loved Y/N. I tried my best to keep myself from getting nervous around her but that was becoming harder every day. Eventually I realized I would have to confess at some point. So, I mustered up the courage to do it. "H-Hey, Y/N, can I tell you s-something? I-It won't take long!"

"Sure thing, Leo. And, I would drop everything I was doing if you needed me. You know that, right?" She replied with a smile. My heart just melted. "O-Of course I know that! Just, um..." "Don't back out now! It's now or never!" "Would you like to go out with me sometime?!"



My face was burning and I felt like I would just faint on the spot with how utterly embarrassed I was. Then she started laughing and I swore I really was gonna faint. "Of course I will, you silly weirdo!"


"What's with the dumbfounded look, Leo? Are you really that surprised that I said yes to going out with you?"

"No, a-actually, what I meant to say was-" She walked next to me and whispered into my ear "Tell me during our date." before walking away. I fainted the moment the door closed.

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