[Osomatsu-san] Todomatsu x Reader: I'm Strong...Right?

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Heads up, this is short af. Apparently it's hard to write an angst for Todo. The picture was legit the only inspiration I had.

"Has anyone seen Todomatsu? I was waiting for him at the mall for at least an hour." Y/N asked, stepping into the living room of the Matsuno household. "Totty? He's in our room. He told us not to tell you. Don't tell him I told you, by the way." Osomatsu replied not looking up from the magazine he was reading. "Okay. Thanks, Oso."

"Expect him to run when you find him." Oso yelled, earning a giggle from Y/N as she walked to their room. She creaked the door open a bit, seeing Todomatsu in the corner hugging a pillow. Todo noticed the open door. "Go away." He grumbled. "Todomatsu, is something wrong? I've never seen you act like this before." Y/N asked, stepping into the room and closing the door behind her.

"Y/N-chan...do you think I'm weak?" He asked, surprising the girl across the room. "Todo, you can turn a menu into a dangerous weapon. I'd hardly call that weak." Y/N laughed a bit at the memory of Todo throwing a menu like a frisbee at Karamatsu's head. "I mean physically. Do you think I'm weak?" He asked again, watching Y/N move and sit down in front of him. "I don't know. I haven't really seen you hit someone with your fists or legs, only a menu and a magazine." Y/N replied, remembering something that most of the brothers, especially Osomatsu, refuse to acknowledge most of the time.

"Oh..." He buried his face in the pillow. "What's this about? Did you fight with one of your brothers again?" Y/N asked, patting his head. He quickly glanced at her before burying his face in the pillow again. "Todo, you can't give me the silent treatment forever. Why do you think you're weak?" She asked, concerned. As far as I know, Todo is far from being a weakling. Sure, he's a bit girly and sure, he's still afraid of the dark, but that stuff doesn't make him weak, right? Besides, everyone's strong in their own way, right?

"Everyone keeps saying that I'm weak just because I'm girly." Todo felt a pair of arms wrap around him and looked up, noticing that Y/N had moved to his side. "You shouldn't let the words of others control you, Todo. Besides, so what if you act a bit like a teenage girl? That doesn't make you weak in the slightest. Everyone's strong in their own way. So don't worry so much about being strong! You've always been strong, even if you don't think so!" She said, patting his back.

"Now," She stood up, offering her hand to the male. "Let's go hang out. You choose where we go. Sound good to you?" She smiled softly. After a few seconds, Todo took her hand, a smile on his face. "Sure. Thanks for everything, Y/N."

"Love you too, Totty. Now, let's get going!"

Y/N-chan...I think I know what your strength is. Making others happy.

Mmm this is short af. I have a cute idea for the fluff tho so hang in there.

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