[Gurren Lagann] Rossiu x Reader: Just Couple Things

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It had been another long day for Team Gurren, and they were settling down for the night. "Damn, how hard is it to find the base of those stupid beastmen?!" Kamina muttered. "Oh, be patient, Kamina. After all, patience is a virtue. Besides, we're talking beastmen here. They might have...I dunno, made some sort of device that makes their base invisible and we might have passed it ten time!" Y/N sighed, running a hand through her hair. "Not likely. I'm not sure their technology is quite advanced enough for something like that. Though it sure would be a pretty clever idea." Leeron replied. "Well, that idea's out the window." She fell back on the ground, sighing as she played with her hair, which had grown too long for her liking.

"Damn, I'd love to give myself a haircut or something. I mean, look at how long it is!" She sat up, gesturing to her hair, which went down to halfway her upper arm. "It's not that long." Yoko commented. The others gave Y/N a confused look. "I think it's fine." Simon spoke up. "Well, I don't like it. It's just...not my style. Plus, do you know how much of a pain it is to manage? I swear, I get these super bad knots every week!"

"Wow, I didn't know you were such a girly girl." Leeron commented. "Oh, shut it, weirdo."

"Why does it matter that much to you?" Y/N turned to Rossiu, who had spoken up. "It's just...I don't really like it this long. It gets in the way sometimes. Like, if I was laying on the ground and my hair was all sprawled out, if someone stepped on it or something, it'd hurt really bad."

"That seems like a pretty minor reason to me..."

"Minor my ass! You clearly haven't experienced the pain of trying to sit up with a foot on your hair!" Y/N yelled. She stood up and started to walk away from the fire they had made. "Hey, where do you think you're going?!" Kamina yelled.

"For a walk! It's nighttime, I'll be fine!" Y/N continued walking away. "I'll...I'll be right back." Rossiu said before he stood up and ran after Y/N. "Those two act like a married couple, don't they?" Leeron sighed. "Hardly." Yoko scoffed.

"Y/N!" Y/N turned around to see Rossiu running over to her. "Rossiu? What're you doing?"

"I just wanted to walk with you, that's all." He replied, still trying to catch his breath. "Well, alright, then." The two walked together in silence, staring at the sky above. Eventually, Y/N stopped walking, catching the boy's attention. "Y/N? Why'd you stop?"

"I just wanted to really take in this view of the sky. Just sort of...gaze at the stars." She replied, letting herself fall backwards to the ground. Rossiu joined her quietly, laying down next to her. "Hey."

"What is it?"

"How many stars do you think are in the sky?"

"Hard to say. My guess would be a lot. More than you could count."

"Really? Seems likely."

Silence again.

"Hey, Rossiu?"


"Do you...love anyone?"

"Wh-What?! I-I mean...um..."

"Actually, I'll start. Let's see, there's Simon, he's kinda like a little brother to me. Then there's Yoko, she seems like to big sister type to me. And Kamina, definitely the big brother. And Leeron is...um..." Y/N laughed. "I don't really know what to call Leeron."

"Oh, you meant like family love." Rossiu sighed in relief. "Well, I don't know. I mean, Gimmy and Darry are like siblings to me. I'm not sure what to think about everyone else, but..." He looked to the side, nervous. "Should I..? Do I want to risk it?" He bit his lip slightly. Y/N started sitting up to get a look at his face, since he had been quiet for a while. "Rossiu?" He didn't know what he was doing now. His arms went up and grabbed Y/N's shoulders, pulling her down, next thing he knew, he had pulled her into a messy kiss. It took a little bit for this to process, but once it did, he immediately pulled her off, face pure red. "I-I'm sorry, I don't know what-I didn't mean to do that-I-!"

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