[Osomatsu-san] Jyushimatsu x Reader: Hustle Muscle!

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He's so smol and precious. I don't think I'd be able to write an angsty oneshot with him without breaking myself. He's a little ball of sunshine and I would probably get murdered for making the smol sad.

I sat and watched the energetic male swing his bat, counting every swing. Ichimatsu was tied to the bat, though I didn't really question it. The Matsuno sextuplets were pretty much supernatural beings, so this was probably the most tame thing one would see when it came to them.

"5998, 5999, 6000!" Jyushimatsu put the bat down, Ichimatsu headed inside to probably untie himself. Jyushi walked over to me, taking my hands in his sleeve-covered ones. I felt my face begin to heat up. Oh no. He's holding my hands! It doesn't help that he's my crush! "Y/N-chan! Where do you wanna go today?" Jyushi asked, which caught me off guard. It was usually him who chose where we went, so hearing him ask this question was a surprise to me.

"Um, I-I don't know. The p-park, maybe?" I bit my lip a little, silently telling myself to not embarrass myself. "Okay, Y/N-chan!" He started to drag me off to the park while chanting his favorite phrase. "Hustle hustle! Muscle muscle!" I smiled brightly at the bubbly male. He was a joy to be around, so I guess that might be the reason I fell for him. Heh, weird. A shy girl like me falling for a naturally happy and loud person like Jyushi.

We eventually arrived at the park, and by then, the sun had already set and was replaced with the moon. "Is it already that late?" I asked myself, glancing at my phone to check the time. It was 8:10. What?! How?! It was 3:20 last I checked!

I didn't get to continue questioning time and how almost five hours passed when it was a fifteen minute walk from the Matsuno household to the park because Jyushimatsu had pulled me over to a hill and sat down. He looked up at me, patiently waiting for me to sit next to him. I shyly sat down beside him, biting my lip.

"S-So, what do you wanna do, since we're here and all?" I asked, mentally cursing at myself for stuttering. He didn't answer, instead looked at the moon that hung up high in the sky. After a few awkward moments of silence, I mustered up the courage to break it. "The moon's really pretty tonight, huh?" I looked at the moon. "Yup!"

We sat like that for a while until Jyushi spoke up again. "I think there's something prettier than the moon." I looked at him, somewhat surprised. "Wh-What?" Before I even knew what was happening, I was on the ground with Jyushi on top of me, hugging me tightly. "J-Jyushimatsu?!" I could hear my heart racing. "I love you, Y/N-chan!"

"E-Eh?!" My face must've been red enough to rival Oso's sweatshirt at this point. "I said I love you!" He repeated, a smile still present on his face. "I...I love you too, Jyushi." It felt so good to finally say that out loud. Jyushi hugged me even tighter, laughing happily. I eventually joined him, a rare smile present on my face.

-No POV-
The two had been laughing happily as they hugged each other, blissfully unaware of a certain group of brothers watching with joy and a slight bit of jealousy.

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