[My Hero Academia] Bakugo Katsuki x Reader: The Day

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I love Bakugo okay he's so cool and adorable and his quirk is awesome plus his costume I mean come on how can you not like it?
Trigger warnings: self harm, physical/verbal abuse, (mentioned) sexual abuse

Bakugo knew something was wrong with Y/N. She always came to class with a new band-aid somewhere, she avoided any and all questions regarding her home life, and she always wore long sleeves, even during the summer.

One day, Bakugo just happened to pass her on the street and decided to get to the bottom of things. "Hey!" Y/N jumped. Bakugo accidentally made his voice sound way too rude to the point it sounded threatening.

"I-I-I'm sorry!" Y/N curled into a ball on the ground as if she was expecting something. "Hey, did I scare you?" Bakugo put a hand on her shoulder, making her jump again. "O-Oh, B-Bakugo! Do you need something?" She asked, standing up straight. "Uh, I actually kinda wanted to talk to you. So, you wanna head to the park or something, or..."

If there was one thing Bakugo Katsuki was not good at, it was being nice. It's a surprise he didn't swear once during the whole conversation. "Oh, actually, I have to go home. My dad doesn't want me to stay out too late. Sorry. Maybe tomorrow?" She offered a kind smile. Something about it seemed forced, but, Bakugo was too oblivious to notice. "Oh, well, we can talk on the way to your place, right?" It was taking all of Bakugo's might to not scream at the top of his lungs.

Meanwhile, in the mind of Bakugo Katsuki
Why the fuck do I even CAAAAAARE?! I mean, who even gives a shit about her god damn family?! I certainly don't! But then again, if I don't care then why am I fucking trying?! GOD FUCKING SHIT BITCH CUNT MOTHER FUCKING FUUUUUUCK.

Back to reality
"S-Sure! I mean, if you don't mind..." Bakugo never noticed how...nervous Y/N could be. "Okay, lead the way, I guess." And so, the two talked for a good two hours, Bakugo having dropped the good guy act after five minutes. Y/N didn't seem to mind, however. They got to her house, and Y/N looked as if she was dreading what lurked behind the door.

"Hey, you gonna go in or not? It's your fuckin' house, so what's the problem?" Y/N jumped, having forgotten Bakugo was there. "Sorry, I'm just worried about how my dad will act, since it's getting dark." Bakugo hadn't even noticed that the sky was turning to various hues of orange and red. "Shit, I didn't even notice. Well, I'm out. See you tomorrow." Bakugo stated plainly, walking away.

What he didn't know was that Y/N was being dragged into the house by her father, who promptly slammed the door shut with so much force it practically shook the house. Bakugo looked over his shoulder. "What the actual fuck was that?"

"Dude, GO HOME."

"How 'bout fuck you, I do what I want."

"You can just ask Y/N what the hell that was about tomorrow!"

"You seriously think she'll actually fuckin' answer that question?! I think not!"

He walked over to the door, seeing a noticeable crack in the metal door. "Damn...all because it's four in the afternoon?" He muttered. He could hear yelling from inside. He looked around and noticed one of the windows was cracked open. He went over to it and simply leaned against the wall, seeing as he couldn't peak in due to the blinds being closed.

"Who the hell was that?!" Clearly a man's voice. Probably her dad, then.

"He's just a friend, dad! P-Please, don't-"

"You were gonna let him in, were you?!"

"N-No way! I swear! I swear on my life!"

"What did you tell him?!"

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