[Gurren Lagann] Simon x Reader: I'm Not Jealous

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Y/N hung out with Simon all the time. She knew that he was so much closer to Kamina than anyone else, but that was a given. It made her happy being with him and seeing him happy, whether it was because of her or Kamina, it still made her day.

She remembers when Simon once said that she was his favorite person to be with, along with Kamina, of course. He likes seeing her happy, seeing her smile.

Simon didn't know exactly when he had developed feelings for Y/N. It was hard to pinpoint exactly when he fell for her. Was it when he had shown her and Kamina Lagann? Was it when they had arrived at the surface? That first night under the stars? When did these feelings develop into something so much deeper than thinking they were friends? He pondered this question for so long. Of course, he ended up falling for Yoko along the way. He knew his feelings for Y/N were much stronger than they were for Yoko, but he still loved her deeply.

Of course, it still shattered Simon's poor heart to pieces when he saw Kamina, someone he held in high regard, kiss his red-head crush right in front of him. Of course, it's not like he did this to intentionally upset Simon. Hell, Kamina had no idea about Simon's feelings for her and the fact he was even there in the first place. Even if he did, he would never hurt Simon like that on purpose. Still, it broke the poor boy's heart. He had completely forgotten about his feelings for Y/N in that moment, nothing but that one image of his best friend and his crush kissing ingrained into his mind.

That one small thing was ultimately Kamina's downfall.

Y/N was riding with Kamina in Gurren, knowing how crazy he could get. This was normal. Simon didn't seem to mind that his two closest friends were riding in the same gunman. He trusted Y/N to control Kamina's crazy plans when he couldn't.

Of course, she also picked up on things Kamina didn't. "Hey, Kamina, something feels wrong."

"The hell do you mean by that?" Kamina asked as he climbed back into Gurren after knocking some sense back into Simon. "I don't know, I just feel like there's something wrong. Maybe we should-" Something cut Y/N off. Something burst out from under Gurren, cutting through the mech and ultimately Kamina with it. Y/N was frozen in place. "Kamina!" She snapped out of her daze, eyes brimming with tears.

"I'm fine, I'm fine. It's just a scratch. That's-" Then something stabbed into Gurren, and right into both Y/N and Kamina. The two screamed in pain as the mech fell to the ground after the attack, both falling out of Gurren.

Y/N, while much better off than Kamina, was still in pain. "K-Kamina, are you alright?" She asked, breathing heavily. No response. The coms were filled with cries of Kamina and Y/N's names. Kamina didn't reply to her. "Kamina?" She sat up, wincing at the pain. She moved closer to the blue haired man, shaking him gently. "Kamina?" He groaned in annoyance. "Can't a guy get some sleep around here?" He muttered. "Kamina, I don't think you should keep fighting after taking a blow like that. Let me pilot Gurren. I'll-"

"I can do it. A little stab like that wouldn't kill or weaken the great Kamina that easily." Kamina was putting on a brave face. Y/N could see that. But she didn't argue. She helped Kamina up and back into Gurren. "Let's win this fight." Y/N smiled weakly at Kamina. "Yeah. Let's win this fight. For Team Dai-Gurren!" He yelled.

-Time Skip-
Y/N watched as Gurren Lagann dealt the finishing blow to Thylimph, relief washing over her. "Kamina, we did it!" She exclaimed. Kamina didn't respond. "Kamina?" She turned to the blue haired man. He had passed out. "Hey, Kamina, wake up." She nudged him with her elbow. No response. Not even a grunt. She checked for a pulse. She instantly regretted it.

There was nothing. His pulse was nonexistent. "Oh my god...K-Kamina! C'mon! Wake up!" Y/N screamed. She had completely forgot the com was still on. "Y/N?! What happened?!" Simon's voice rang in her ears. She turned and saw his face on the screen, fear and concern in his eyes. "S-Simon, I..." She hastily shut off the com. She couldn't bare to break it to him. It would crush her. She couldn't afford to let him see her tears when they started leaking out, either.

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