5: Loyalty

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"My demands are simple, Stripes." Galvatron said. "Surrender to me, and I won't crush the Autobots like the insects they are! I may even let you work your way up in rank..."

Stripes was still afraid but knew he had no choice but to face this menace. He hoped the Autobots would support him, despite their doubts. Stripes could feel Optimus' scorn in the look he was giving him.

"That's a tempting offer. Very tempting, I'll admit." Stripes said with a hint of sarcasm. "But I've got a better one: How about I give you 'the finger' and we fight this out to the death?" He raised his left servo above the rock face temporarily, giving an offensive, provocative hand gesture.

"Oh, so unwise..." sighed. "MEN! BRING ME THE RUNAWAY! KILL THE REST!"

Stripes popped out of cover, unleashing a hellfire with his arm cannon. Optimus and the others followed suit. The battle was on.

Cross did an air flip, and went into vehicle mode, dodging the projectiles heading towards him. Darius dove into cover from where he stood, and returned fire. Razor just stood in place, his armor absorbing the damage, and let loose with his own weapons: multi-barreled machine guns built into his hands.

Stripes managed to pull off several head-shots off on Stinger and Junkheap. Stinger went down quite easily since the shots took off his head. He saw Cross heading towards him. In response, he transformed and peeled out. It was just like the old days when Cross would chase him.


Hound took to a higher area in the canyon and began sniping at several of the Traxes mechs that Galvatron had brought with him. They were currently preoccupied with surrounding and shooting Drift. In response, Drift lashed out with his swords, while Hound fired from long-range. Their combined efforts totaled the Traxes.

Bumblebee covered Optimus while he charged Galvatron, sword in hand. He stabbed Galvatron in the chest, but it didn't have much of an effect on the deranged Decepticon leader. Nor did the sword go very deep, either.

"That tickles, Prime." Galvatron cackled. "Quite pathetic, actually." He grabbed the sword, and spun around, sending Optimus flying into a cliff face.

Stripes noticed this on his sensors, and did a one-eighty turn, heading back to Optimus' side open-throttle. Bumblebee managed to shoot the ground between Cross and Stripes, leaving a gaping crater which stopped Cross in his tracks, then went to give Crosshairs a hand with Darius.

Galvatron walked up to Optimus, who slid down from the indent he left in the cliff. He picked up the Prime by the neck, slamming him into the cliff once again, his Energon blades extended.

"Any last requests, Prime?" Galvatron snickered, his grip tightening around the Prime's neck, starting to crush his main intake.

"...Why?" Optimus wheezed. "Why do you torture him by making him one of us?! He's a human! Nothing more!"

"Oh, Dear brother..." Galvatron chuckled. "You have no idea how wrong you are... He never was human. He is the descendant of our creator. He is the Son of Primus, and I have proof of it. Great plans I have for that one. Sadly, you won't live to see them come to fruition. Oh, how I've looked forward to this day... The day the last prime dies by my hand!"

"GET AWAY FROM HIM!!!" Stripes screamed, Transforming and leaping onto Galvatron's back, stabbing him with his own Energon blade multiple times, aiming for his optics. Galvatron quickly released Optimus and thrashed around, trying to get Stripes off his back, but he wouldn't let go! Stripes stabbed and slashed at Galvatron's head and torso, leaving about sixteen marks and wounds on him before Galvatron managed to throw him off! Nonetheless, Galvatron was now blind! His optics shattered!

Stripes flipped and landed on his feet before taking off again. Optimus did the same, taking off with his jets, then getting on the road, transforming into vehicle mode. The other Autobots followed suit as they made their getaway.

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