20: Cinderella Man - PT I

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Nikki got back to Palmont. She went up to her apartment, closing and locking the door. She then sat on the sofa and started crying. What had happened to Carlos? Did she make the right decision to leave him? So much was going through her head, she couldn't think straight. She was distraught, shocked, and confused, all at once.

That's when she received a knock at the door.

"Go away!" She yelled, throwing a vase at the door. Shortly after that, things got worse. The door was kicked down, and the next thing Nikki knew, she was surrounded by robotic humanoid drones.

Two weeks later – Eternity Pass

Galvatron waited atop Eternity Pass with Nikki and Optimus prime in tow. Stripes was now due to either turn himself over to him, or put up a resistance.

"Are you sure this will draw him out?" Galvatron asked Lockdown.

"I'm sure," Lockdown replied. "You'll have what you came for, believe me."

"Really?" Galvatron turned to Lockdown. "How will I know you won't just drag him off to your foolish creators as you said? After all, didn't you say they 'called dibs'?"

"I'm not about to cross you." Lockdown lied smoothly. "You have the upper hand and have more manpower. So why would I do something like that and jeopardize my well-being?"

Galvatron gave him a leery look, then focused back on scanning the area for Stripes's signature.

"He won't surrender himself to you..." Optimus rasped weakly, his arms and legs tethered together by chains Lockdown had brought. "Mark my words, with all that you've done to him, he'll die before he gives himself to you..."

Galvatron then stomped on Optimus hard on his chest, causing him to leave an indent of himself in the ground.

"So sure about that, you infidel?" Galvatron snickered. "in case you forgot, I have his old flame with us." He pointed to a transparent container filled with a nanite solution. "If he wants to spare his lover the same fate he has experienced, he will surrender himself to me, no questions asked, or she will fall into the 'conversion solution' and she will also be turned. Resistance or not, I still win. Now, all we have to do is wait...."


Meanwhile, at the Base of Eternity Pass

Stripes drew a large breath into his intakes. He was beyond pissed when he found out that Galvatron had Nikki in his clutches. Luckily, he had prepared himself for this. They had salvaged some of Razor's old parts. Stripes had exchanged his arm cannon for Razor's Finger-Barrel machine guns, and relocated the cannon to his shoulder.

Darius had also decided to take some of Razor's parts, specifically his melee blades, a scram-acceleration barrel on his sniper rifle for both accuracy and a bigger punch, and engine performance parts. It had taken them all of the two weeks to prepare themselves, but they were here.

And Stripes had one final score to settle.

"Stripes?" Drift asked. "May I speak with you before this final battle?"

"What is it?" Stripes asked, turning to face him.

"...I should have done this sooner. I... I apologize for trying to off-line you when we were in the desert at the way station. I was consumed by anger and despair..."

"You're forgiven." Stripes cut him off. "Right now, let's get back on track. Darius, you ready?"

"Yeah." Darius replied. "And Call me 'Knockout' from now on. It'll suit me better than just 'Darius'. Besides, I need a name to fit in, like you. You know?"

"Alright, Knockout." Stripes replied. He then turned to the rest of the group. "Everyone remember your parts. Ratchet, Sentinel when me and the group get on Eternity Pass Road, jam their radios and start the music! Drift, stay behind at the beginning of the road to intercept any tailgaters. The rest of you will take on any other threats during, and when, we get to the top. If things go the way I think they do, only me and Elita will be the only ones at the top of the road. After you take care of your parts, pursue us to the top. Don't let anything stop you. Got it?"

The group nodded. Stripes then looked down, saddened.

"...This may be our final fight. Some of us may not survive. So before we go, I want to say... It's been an honor and a privilege, getting to know each and every one of you. You've taught me to fight, but more importantly, you've taught me not to be afraid of them, and not to be afraid of what I truly am. Now let's go and kick some Decepticon aft!"

With that, they transformed and peeled out to their positions.

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