Epilogue: Cries for Speed

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Stripes was once again in darkness. His mind was hazy, his vision blurred. He was surrounded in a void, with no one there, feeling like he was dying. Did he really give that much energy to bring back Optimus? For that matter, did he even succeed?

The void around him then lit up, with small points of light. It was as if he was under a starlit sky. Shapes started to emerge from the darkness. Silhouettes of other transformers, as if they had been there watching the whole time. Yet they never stepped into the light itself.

"Who are you?" Stripes asked.

"For one who claims to know so little, you know much more. Yet you are ignorant of it." One of the figures said.

"...That's kinda dodging the question, don't you think?" Stripes said.

"Indeed." Another spoke. "As for who we are, you know, but have long since forgotten after leaving your creator, your father Primus. We are the primes. Past Holders and keepers of the Matrix of Leadership, and its knowledge. From the beginning, there has always been a prime. Your revival of the latest of our dynasty is noble, to say the least."

Stripes looked up at the figures. "So I succeeded in bringing Optimus back?"

"Correct, though he will need time to heal completely." The next prime spoke. "However, you yourself have now been placed in jeopardy. We are doing everything in our power, and Primus's power, to let you live. You are not yet ready to become one with the grand matrix, itself. You have much more ahead of you."

"But... I am just one being. I've already done much. How will I know what to do next?" Stripes asked.

"Your spark will guide you, as will the spark of your lover, along with the ones of your new found friends and allies, the Autobots." Another prime answered. "Let it guide you, and them, down a noble, and swift path, back to your father and Cybertron itself."

The light then started to spread, and shine all around him. It became so bright, it blurred everything out of view in a flash of white. Then, he was awake again. Stripes looked around. He was surrounded by the Autobots. He was flat on his back, with Hound and Ratchet hovering over him. They were on a different section of Eternity Pass. The fire was nowhere in sight.

"Thank Primus, we thought we'd lost you!" Ratchet breathed a sigh of relief.

"So he's alright?" A human voice said. Stripes turned his head, and saw Nikki standing there with Cade and the other humans!

"You're not scared of me anymore?" Stripes said.

"No," Nikki said. "Not anymore. You saved my life. Though the fight did start a bit of a fire, and you freaked me out by nearly dying." She finished in her usual sassy tone.

"Uh... Whoops?" Stripes replied sheepishly.

"Yeah. Big Whoops." Nikki replied, still ever sassy. "As for Optimus, don't worry. He's alright. Just needs his leg struts repaired, according to Ratchet and Hound. Speaking of which, is he alright to go for a quick drive?"

"Are you mad, woman?!" Ratchet exclaimed. "He still needs to be checked for any further damage! Do you have any idea..."

"Ratchet." Hound said, cutting him off. "I think he'll be fine for a short drive. I'm not ready any serious damage on the scans. Besides, they need some time to 'catch up' according to Knockout, and we could use the spare time to fix up boss."

Ratchet ran one last scan. "...D'oh, fine!" He finally said. "Just please, for the love of Primus, don't go searching for trouble! Knockout! Crosshairs! Ironhide! Go with him to make sure he does as he is told!"

"I'll see to that." Knockout replied. "He won't be getting into any trouble with me around."

"Ditto," Ironhide added.

"Third that motion." Crosshairs said with a smile on his faceplates.

* * * * * * * * * *

Later, on the road...

Nikki sat in Stripes' driver side seat, as he drove at a steady pace through the Silverton district of Palmont city. The lights and fancy shops, casinos, and dwellings were a sight to behold as they drove.

"Do you think Galvatron will ever come back?" Ironhide asked over the radio.

"I doubt it." Knockout said. "If it were me, I'd be too embarrassed to show my face around here after getting my ass whipped like that."

"You mean 'aft'." Crosshairs corrected. "Aft, Knockout."

"...Yeah." Knockout agreed. "That's what I meant to say."

"Nikki, are you alright?" Stripes asked. "You're being awfully quiet."

Nikki sighed. "I dunno. I want us to be together again, but I'm not sure how we'd make it work,..."

Stripes paused for a second, as they stopped at a light. "...I'd be willing, and very happy to let you back into my life." He said. "Look in the glove compartment."

Nikki raised an eyebrow. She leaned over to the passenger side and opened the glove box.

Inside was the ring she had cast aside earlier!

"I kept it, just in case." Stripes said. "We'll find a way to make this work, Nikki."

Nikki beamed tears in her eyes. Even after all this, he still cared. She put on the ring once more.

"So what now?" Crosshairs asked. "We still need to see about Cemetery wind..."

"Galvatron just had them under his control." Stripes explained. "Now with him gone, I think we'll see the second coming of NEST."

"What about after that?" Knockout asked.

"...Then, we'll just have to satisfy our cries for speed." Stripes answered, getting on the freeway. "Then, we'll see what happens from there. We have much ahead of us."


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