22: Final Battle

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Galvatron grabbed Stripes Servo before he could plunge it into his chassis! They then proceeded to wrestle in the dirt, tumbling over one another as they neared the edge of a cliff! Megatron flipped Stripes off of him, getting on top of him!

"Why must you continue to resist?!" Galvatron snapped, clenching his claws around Stripe's neck. "Do you have any idea of what I'm trying to do?!"

Stripes drove his Energon blades into Galvatron's shoulder struts, causing the Decepticon leader to let out a yowl of pain.

"Does it look like I give a damn?" Stripes said with a chill as cold as the grave, as he shoved Galvatron off of him. They both got up, Stripes readying his new machine guns. He proceeded to shoot Galvatron repeatedly, who closed in on Stripes as he fired his shoulder cannon. Galvatron recoiled, and Stripes switched back to his melee blades. The two then deadlocked.

Meanwhile, Elita was having her own battle with Lockdown. They, however were taking a more ranged approach, shooting at each other, moving from cover behind rocks. So far, they had not hit each other. Yet.

"Just how many times have you managed to cheat death?" Elita asked.

"More than you can count in this vorn!" Lockdown snapped back. "Can you say this same?"

Knockout and Jazz arrived at the top. Knockout got out his melee blades, ready to help Stripes.

"No, you two!" Stripes yelled. "Help Optimus and Nikki!"

Knockout did as he was told. He broke the glass of the container, grabbing Nikki out of it just in time. He took cover next to Elita, giving her covering fire. One of his shots hit Knockout in the left of his chest, the other in the arm, sending him spinning into the ground.

"Get out of here, Nikki! Go with Jazz! Get her out of here!" Knockout said. Jazz and Nikki did as they were told, Jazz changing to vehicle mode. Nikki got in, and they high-tailed it out of the area. He then turned to Elita.

"Come on! Let's free Optimus!" They got up and started to run to the Autobot leader.

"Oh no, you don't..." Lockdown then sent a signal to several things surrounding the battle area. They were explosives! Elita and Knockout barely had time to take cover, as a ring of explosives detonated around them and the Autobot leader! Everyone was surrounded by a burning hellfire!

"NOO!!" Stripes then got out the Matrix Blade, slashing off one of Galvatron's servos, and ran deeper into the fiery blaze towards the Prime! The heat was intense, as the flames started to spread to the trees and shrubs on the pass!

"OPTIMUS!" Stripes cried out for the Autobot leader, looking for him through the flames, panicked. "OPTIMUS, WHERE ARE YOU?! ANSWER ME, DAMMIT!"

He heard a groan nearby. Stripes ran towards the sound and found Optimus. He was battered by the explosion! Several good dents were now embedded in his chassis, his frame was fractured in his midsection! One of his legs struts was now missing, it was a miracle what was left of him was still intact at all!

"Come on..." Stripes struggled to lift what remained of the Autobot leader, dragging him away from the flames to a different section of the pass. As Stripes set him down, kneeling next to the Autobot leader, Optimus coughed violently, regurgitating Energon. His optics were starting to flicker and fade.

"God, no! No, no, no, don't do this to me!" Stripes said, shaking Optimus' chassis, Optics leaking fluid again. "Dammit, don't do this to me, WE NEED YOU!"

Optimus raised a weak servo up to Stripes' faceplates. "It's alright... Don't worry about me..." He wheezed. "Protect... them... Keep them... Free .."

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