21: Cinderella man - PT II

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Author's note: Lyrics don't belong to me.

Galvatron waited, his units scattered across the pass. He had some old Cemetary Wind personnel set up a roadblock at the base of the pass. The rest of the Decepticons were scattered about. Everything was set up. It was the waiting that bothered him.

Finally, after what seemed like hours of being up at the top, he received a communication from the roadblock.

"Lord Galvatron, there's a vehicle approaching the roadblock. I think it's him, but I'm not sure... Wait!"

Suddenly, there was the sound of burning rubber, a high rev of engines! The Cemetary Wind personnel went into a panic! Then there was the sound of crunching metal, then the radio went dead.

"Cemetary wind, what the slag is going on down there?!" Galvatron demanded. No response. He switched his receiver to a different band, to contact a unit to investigate.

What he got was unexpected. Music was playing over the band! Very loud music!

Who can catch lightning in a bottle? Set fire to water?
Comin' out the nozzle on the fire hose, flier than swatters?

Cinderella man, Cinderella man, Cinderella man, Cinderella man.

Smash an hourglass, grab the sand, take his hands and cup 'em,
Spit a rhyme to freeze the clock, take the hands of time and cuff 'em.

Cinderella man, Cinderella man, Cinderella man, Cinderella man.

There's a storm comin' that the weather man couldn't predict,

I start the bug prick, you better flee cause I get ticked

It's a rap, I was down, when I was down I was kicked.

I got up I'm back to punch ya to the ground, ya trick,

It's a trap, fuck my last CD that shits in my trash

I'll be God damned if another rapper gets in my ass

I hit the gas and I spit every rap as if it's my last

"By Primus's spark, what is that racket?!" Lockdown asked, trying to talk over the music.

Galvatron growled. He switched to the backup band, but the same music was playing on that one! It continued at the same pace!

You can die in the blink of an eye, so bat ya eyelashes,
And keep winking and blowin' kisses 'cause you're flirting with death
I'm destroying your livelihood. I ain't just hurtin' your rep',
I catch a flow and get goin',
No remorse I'm showin', ain't slowin' for no one,
Knowin' there is nothin' you can do about it
Zeroin' on the target like a marksman,
The target is you

Galvatron and Lockdown heard explosions on the lower levels of the pass. He could see outlines of some of his Decepticons flying off the edges of the road.

The Autobots were here.


Jazz was the last to separate from the group going up Eternity Pass to take care of a Decepticon. Now it was just down to Stripes, and Elita. They rounded the last bend, and saw Galvatron with Lockdown, Optimus Prime, and Nikki! She was on the edge of a platform, below her was the nanite solution that had changed Stripes! Optimus was on the ground, bound up by chains!

Stripes gunned his engine, barreling towards Megatron! He transformed, barreling through the air at high speed, tackling Galvatron to the ground!

"Surprise, you son of a bitch!!" Stripes said, popping out his Energon blade.

"You've done a lot to me over the last few months, but now you've made it personal!"

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