12: Ratchet

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30 Minutes after meeting Elita...

Stripes had guided Elita back to the other Autobots. They were quite surprised to see her. Optimus was the most surprised of all. As they started to catch up, Optimus explaining the current situation, Stripes went over to the other side of the rest stop. He sat down and looked at the starlit sky, a wave of depression washing over him like ocean waves. He took out what remained of Ratchet's head, and looked it over.

He was glad he had reunited Optimus with what he assumed was his significant other, but at the same time, he felt he had not done enough. Then there was the misery of not being able to see his own significant again...

"Nikki." He sighed, looking up at the full moon, standing up. His eyes started to glow gold again. At least she would hopefully be safe, and not be involved in this conflict.

That single bright thought triggered a few more. The glow in his eyes started to intensify, and he lost touch with reality.

Dust began to rise around him in a wind. At first, it was a gentle breeze. Then it was a powerful gust. It soon became a dust devil. Stripes let go of Ratchet's skull, and it flew into the epicenter! Rocks and bits of trash from around the rest stop flew into the funnel, and transmuted to metal! The gust turned into a gale and had caught the other Autobot's attention by this point. They watched in awe! Then the wind died down, and standing in the place of the dust devil was Ratchet! Alive, and well!

The glow faded from Stripes' optics. He suddenly felt drained, and would have fallen over if Ratchet did not catch him!

Ratchet was confused for a moment, looking around at everything and everyone, just as shocked as they were. "...For the love of Primus, what the slag is going on!?"

# # # # # # # # #

Stripes was sitting in a dark place, a light shining over him. He was so tired. He could not remember why, though.

A voice called out to him. "Carlos..."

Stripes looked up. Nikki was standing in front of him. For some reason, they were the same height.

"Nikki." Stripes took her hand, as she helped him up. "...I miss you."

"I know," Nikki replied. "Just don't give up. We'll see each other again. Have faith..."

"It's hard, Nikki." Stripe said, holding her close to him in his servos. "They don't trust me..."

"...And you do not trust yourself." Nikki replied as Stripes released her. "Quit doubting yourself. That's always been your biggest flaw. You doubt yourself too much. Well, except when you are angry. So don't tear yourself down. You can do this. You were chosen to do this by Primus himself. Now wake up. The others need you."

Stripes looked at her for a moment. How did she know about Primus?!

Nikki then lost her patience. "I said wake up!"

The next thing Stripes knew, her backhand was heading for his face!

# # # # # #

Stripes awoke with a loud smack across his face!

"OW!" He yelled. He opened his eyes, one hand over his faceplates and everyone was gathered around him.

"See?" Crosshairs said. "All he needed was a few whacks for a jump-start. It always works."

Ratchet face-palmed at that sentence. "Away for a few months, and this is what you call medical procedures? A smack in the faceplates is now a 'jump-start'?"

Crosshairs shrugged. "It worked, didn't it?"

Ratchet sighed. "Don't go anywhere, young bot." He said, pointing at Stripes. "Once I finish my examination and repairs of Optimus, you are going to be next. So don't go taking off!"

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