11: Elita-One

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It had been several minutes since Alpha Trion's sudden appearance. Everyone was silent, rooted to their spots, unsure of what to do, what to say...

That silence was broken by Optimus slamming his hand on the door to the trailer.

"What's going on out there?!" He demanded. "Someone open this door!"

Crosshairs went over and opened it. "Everything's okay, Optimus... I think."

Stripes proceeded to get up off the ground. Drift only watched with mixed emotions running through his circuits. What did I nearly do? He asked himself. Was it all just blind rage? Or was it something else?

Darius went forwards, over to Stripes' side. "You're okay! But how...? What was that? A robot angel?"

"...I don't know. I guess all that is important is that I'm okay." Stripes said, still shaken. He then started to walk away, towards the road.

"Oi! Where are you going?" Crosshairs asked.

"For a drive." Stripes said. Crosshairs stepped forward into arms distance, and Stipes popped out his blaster.

"Don't Touch Me." Stripes said flatly. Crosshairs didn't argue. He just stepped back. Stripes then went to vehicle mode, and peeled off down the road, his engine revving high as he went through his gears.

# # # # # #

As Stripes drove down the road, he slowed his speed. He felt betrayed, afraid and confused. Drift nearly killed me! He thought. Killed me! Am I sure on the right side? Who can I trust anymore?

...Am I just a tool of war, and nothing else? That last thought reverberated through his entire being.

He started to enter a canyon when he was passed by another car. A Porsche 911 Carerra S, colored Bubblegum pink with white racing stripes. The thing that intrigued Stripes, is that before it passed, it flashed its high-beams at him. Then it just drove in front of him tauntingly, as if saying "mind goin' all out for Lil' old me?"

Stripes was not stupid. His knowledge of racing stated the obvious about this car. It wanted to race.

Why not? He figured. It would at least get his mind off of present troubles for a while. He downshifted and gunned his engine.

The Porsche's response was swift. It went into an open-throttle state as they went through the canyon. The driver was obviously skilled, as well as having knowledge of the road. For Stripes was having trouble trying to pass! Every time he thought he had a clear line, the road bent in an unusual way, and he was forced to break hard, losing ground! Then he had to push himself to catch up!

Finally, near the top of the canyon, The Porsche pulled over at an empty lookout venue. Stripes did as well.

Shortly afterward, the Porsche transformed! And it wasn't just any Transformer! This one was female! Stripes could tell by her robotic 'curves' and her chassis design!

"Aren't you going to change modes too?" The femme asked. Stripes was uneasy but didn't sense any hostility from this mech. So he transformed.

"Nice driving." She said. "Need to work on those hairpin slides, but other than that, not bad."

"...Thanks." Stripes said. "So, you are...?"

"Call me Elita." She said. "And you?"

"...Stripes. So, Elita, what are you doing all the way out here?"

Elita sighed. "You could say, I'm trying to forget. It's been a long time since the war. Last I heard, humans were hunting us. Now, everything is terribly quiet... The long drives also help me not miss my bond mate as much."

Stripes nodded. "I see. Was he a deadbeat, or a Decepticon?"

Eilta looked up at the moon. "Surprisingly, neither. We were separated more by the war than anything else. He left Cybertron before it was rendered uninhabitable. He was searching for the cube..."

Stripes optics widened. "You don't mean Optimus Prime, do you?"

Elita looked at Stripes, surprised. "How did you guess?"

Stripes looked over the railing. It would be daylight soon. He turned to Elita.

"....What if I told you I knew where you can find him?"

Elita sighed. "Doubtful. We just met and I'm not sure I can trust you, with all the circumstances, no offense sweetheart..."

Stripes had a feeling he'd have to present some sort of proof. He quickly activated his radio, channeling Elita in to listen.

"Stripes calling Autobots, come in Autobots..."

There was static, then the voice Stripes wanted to hear

"Stripes, this is Optimus Prime. What is it?"

Elita was instantly overjoyed.

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