14: Galvatron's new captive

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Dairus looked at Ratchet. "...Yeah, that's what I said."

Drift growled. "Barricade..."

Stripes raised an optic. "You know this cop?"

Drift nodded. "He's no cop. He's a Decepticon."

"Figures." Stripes rolled his optics. "Should have known..."

They sat in silence for a while, Stripes stretched out on the ground, gazing up at the sky. Then he closed his optics, slipping away under the blanket of recharge.

# # # # # # #

Stripes awoke several hours later to some odd noise going through his audio receivers. He sat up, and looked around. Everyone else seemed in recharge. No one else registered on his optics. Not even his radar and motion sensors seemed to be picking up anything out of the ordinary. Yet the sound persisted. As if it was calling him. It was not an unpleasant noise, though. However, it seemed hypnotic in a way.

Finally, Stripes could not ignore it anymore. He got up, and started to slowly creep towards the noise. He readied his blaster, fear going through him. The noise converged around a rock face. He got up against the wall, peeking around the corner.

There was some sort of box there, emitting the sound. But that's not what freaked Stripes out. Engraved on the wall of the canyon was one word:


Stripes ran away from the cliff face moments before the box exploded. He dove for the ground, covering his head as the explosion tossed rubble in every direction. He looked up, as everyone snapped out of recharge.

The Decepticons were charging straight at them! Only Galvatron wasn't there!

"Shit!" Stripes cursed. He opened fire, as did the others, but they ignored Stripes's shots. What was going on?

His answer was them going for the tractor trailer!

"OPTIMUS!" Stripes yelled. He charged forward, as they tore the trailer apart. But Optimus Prime was not inside.

"What?!" Crosshairs exclaimed. Optimus and Elita then descended from the sky, their jets burning the ground as they landed. Their cannons charged.

"You've made a grave mistake. Begone!" Optimus fired on them, taking out a few, Elita doing the same. Stripes started running up, giving covering fire to the prime and Elita.

Razor popped into Stripes's field of view, in between him and Optimus. "Not this time, wonderboy!" His servos' digits changed into barrels. They were multi-barreled rapid-fire lasers!

Stripes got behind a rock, firing his blaster cannon at Razor. That's when he saw it.

Lockdown was phasing into view behind Optimus! It was as if he was invisible one moment, then visible the next! Like cloaking on Star Trek! But that was just the tip of the 'berg! Lockdown had a short spear in his hand, ready to stab Optimus!

"OPTIMUS!" Stripes cried out. But it was too late. Lockdown plunged the spear into Optimus' chassis, the other end bursting out through his chest, missing his spark chamber by Millimeters! The Prime cried out in pain as the spear tore through his recovering body and chassis, Lockdown putting him in a headlock!

"Galvatron sends you this ultimatum, Wonderboy!" Razor sneered. "Meet him on top of Eternity Pass in Carbon Canyon, two weeks from now! Or the so-called prime will end up getting scrapped!"

Lockdown's ship appeared over the horizon! The Decepticons were surrounding Optimus and Lockdown! Stripes ran forward, trying to reach Optimus in time, but two cables from the ship were already lifting them inside the craft! Stripes fought through the Decepticons, the Autobots right behind him!

"LET HIM GO!" Stripes jumped off one of the Decepticons as they dispersed, leaped up in the air as they rose, reaching out to Grab one of Optimus' servos! He reached as far as he could, trying to grab on, to save Optimus from this fate...

But he missed, only scratching the digits of his hand, doing little but scraping paint off. Lockdown shot Stripes with his free arm cannon, and Stripes fell down to earth. The impact was hard, raising a cloud of dust.

"If you truly are the Primus' kin, you will meet with Galvatron. It is your destiny, after all." Lockdown said, throwing a katana-like saber down, along with Prime's own sword at Stripes' feet as he and Optimus were pulled inside the craft. It then took off, speeding through the sky.

The Decepticons finished dispersing after the craft left. Stripes got up, trying to run after the craft, but it was futile. His left leg strut got damaged in the fall. He collapsed to his knees, intakes cycling like mad. Stripes started to pound the ground with his fists. Slowly at first, then rapidly increasing in pace. He let out a scream from his vocalizer, roars of frustration as he continuing to pound the ground for a few more moments, cracking the rock and concrete below him before energon tears leaking from his optics once more.

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