16: Refurbished and Rebuilt

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Unknown Government Waste/Scrap Facility

Six Hours later...

Stripes looked around the old Government facility with the other Autobots. Cade and the rest of the humans had to wait outside, due to the obvious dangers.

As they looked through all the scrap metal and bits and pieces of parts, they were starting to lose hope of finding Jazz's and Sentinel's parts. So far, there was no sign of Ironhide's remains anywhere, either.

Stripes then remotely hacked a door to a large hangar-like building with his electronics, simulating wireless connections.

"Well, this surely isn't suspicious at all." Stripes whispered to himself with sarcasm, walking in. "Why would they need such a huge building if this is only a scrap...yard?" Stripes' words trailed off as he saw what was in front of him: Cybertronian remains! And a large container with the name "Ironhide" on the side!

He had found them! The other Autobots walked into the building, and saw the remains as well!

"This is all of them..." Crosshairs whispered. "Sentinel, Jazz, Ironhide, Sideswipe...

"All right..." Stripes said. "I guess it's time to work my magic." He picked up the remains, Closing his optics, focusing. They then opened again, glowing a gold hue. Various other pieces of scrap hovered around them, melting into a lava-lamp-like liquid, and again, filling and sealing the damage in their chassis and bodies. It solidified, and soon, their sparks started beating again. But they were still in stasis.

"I left them that way so we wouldn't alert security. If they woke here, we'd have a lot of problems." Stripes explained. "We'll have to drag them out of here. Then activate them."

"Alright, come on." Crosshairs said to the others. "Let's get this over with."

# # # # # # #

Ironhide awoke slowly, his processors and mind in a haze. His memory was returning to him slowly. He remembered fighting with Sentinel but beyond that... Nothing else.

His optics slowly came online, they were having trouble getting into focus for some reason. When they cleared, he saw a face he never expected to see again.


"Elita?" He sat up, worried about what happened to his NEST comrades. "What's going on...? Where's..."

"Just be calm, Ironhide." Elita said. "A lot has happened since your last battle."

This worried Ironhide. "...Am I gone? Has my spark joined the Matrix?"

"Far from it, my friend." Ratchet immediately recognized the vocalizer patter as Sentinel. He jumped on his feet. Still woozy, but ready for confrontation. Jazz immediately jumped between them.

"Woah, Woah! Calm down, you hothead firecracker!" Jazz snapped. "We have bigger things to worry about! Like who brought us back from the dead, for instance!"

It was then that Ironhide remembered everything. He had been offlined! Yet here he was, online and right as rain! But how?

Ironhide stood down. "...Who did this?"

"The Son of Primus." Elita said simply. "He goes by the name Stripes. A modified BMW M3 is his vehicle mode of choice."

"Where is he?" Sideswipe asked, rolling up on his wheeled feet.

"He said he needed to do some 'soul searching' so he left for a drive," Sentinel answered. "A foolish move, in my opinion. After all that I've heard about the humans hunting us..."

"Wait, what?!" Ironhide snapped.

Jazz took Ironhide by the shoulder. "'Hide, this is all going to come as a shock, but we need to get you up to speed..."

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