6: Father Figure

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Back at the farm...

Optimus was not happy as he walked in front of Stripes behind the barn. At the moment, he was like an angry father scolding a teenager who had just done something dangerous. The rest of the group were out front, keeping watch.

"Why?" Optimus demanded. "Why didn't you tell us he did that to you?"

"I didn't know what you would do... I was afraid..." Stripes stumbled over his words. He already had enough going through his circuits. Any more and he felt he would go off the deep end or explode.

"Afraid?!" Optimus was furious. "That's your excuse?! Fear?!"

"I didn't know what else to do, okay?!" Stripes yelled back angrily. "I know you want some sort of explanation, Optimus, but be realistic! I've been chased by cops, wrecked my car, been abducted by a giant robot alien, then got turned into one! I've been tortured, beaten, starved of fuel, and locked up in small rooms with barely enough room to breathe! I was clubbed, chased halfway across the western United States, I've been shot, and shot at..."

Stripes' optics started leaking again. "...I even had to watch and attend my funeral! My own funeral, dammit!" The words chocked out of his vocalizer as he turned away from Optimus. "I couldn't say anything to the people I knew, the people I cared about..." He sobbed. "I couldn't even comfort the woman I loved! All I could do is watch her weep! And there was nothing I could do! DAMMIT, DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW MUCH THAT HURTS??!!" He started to rapidly slam his fists into a nearby tree in a fit of rage. Then he activated his Energon blade.

Optimus' response was automatic. He ran forward and grabbed Stripes, trying to pin his servos behind his back. This ended up badly. It turned into a wrestling match for a few minutes, as they rolled and tumbled around in the field behind Cade's barn. Eventually, though, it stopped with Optimus pinning Stripes, pointing one of his guns at his head.

Again, it was a reflex. A reflex Optimus felt guilty for not being able to control. Too many battles, combined with Optimus' own paranoia of humans and the recent battles still fresh in his mind had led to such reactions. Not to mention his now itchy trigger finger. Nonetheless, as he stared down at the Cybertronian below him, he knew he wouldn't fire. He felt for this... Former human. Despite his recklessness, fear, and now obvious temper.

Cade and the Autobots heard and saw the commotion. They were surrounding Optimus and Stripes, who lost his blind rage, and had broken down into sobs and gibberish. Optimus slowly, and cautiously released his grip on Stripes' servos, getting up. He watched as Stripes lay in the dirt, fluid now running from his optics and onto the ground, crying. He watched as the sobs from the converted Autobot coursed through his chassis. His intakes cycled feverishly like he was not able to get enough air into his systems.

"I understand that you are hurting and confused," Optimus said firmly, his blaster retracting back into his servo. "But I won't have you harming me, or anyone else here. Please, control your temper. Calm down." He kneeled down next to Stripes and proceeded to calm the distraught Autobot.

Right now, Optimus wished Ratchet was still with them. He'd know what to do better than he would...

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