8: The Past

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Two days later...

Military base...

Darius was starting to have second thoughts, considering the information he had come across in the base's computers. He himself was having some trouble processing it, let along believing it. One thing, however, he now knew: If Megatron got his hold on Stripes, it would mean disaster. For everyone, and everything.

He left the base, on the rouse of going on recon. He transformed to vehicle mode and took off to the one place he knew Stripes would be.

He only hoped he wouldn't be too late. Galvatron was already leading an attack force to his location...

Later, back on the farm...

Hound sat with Crosshairs, Bumblebee, and Drift, watching the barn like a hawk. Optimus had been in there with Stripes. He was wondering what they were doing in there. He had not heard so much as a peep from the barn. What was going on?

"I don't like this." Drift stated bluntly, sitting next to Hound.

"What? Meditation envy?" Crosshairs said with a smirk.

"Why don't you go sit on a rocket?" Drift retorted in a cranky tone.

Crosshairs shrugged his servos. "Just what is your problem?"

"The new guy." Drift said. "I do not trust him, nor do I see why Sensei does. That infuriates me..."

Crosshairs sighed. "I wouldn't argue with that. He has ruffled... a few feathers here and there. But I'm sure Optimus has a good reason for doing... whatever he is doing in there."

"Relax your limbs. Breathe, and focus." Optimus said. "Keep your optics off."

Stripes did as he was told as they sat in the middle of the barn in meditation. Things were quiet, serene. He felt calm, collected. Like he could go anywhere at this point, and still be here in the barn.

He liked that feeling.

"Now, focus on yourself. Think of your past; The things you do remember..."

Stripes started to think back through his life. "I remember Nikki. She was... more than just a good friend. I can see us out on dates in the city of Palmont. I remember Jack... When he first taught me to race, to drive. He was my friend in and out of the old orphanage. I remember when I first got into that place... Wait..." Stripes suddenly started to remember more things. Things he didn't even know about!

"Optimus... I see something else... A baby crying in a basket... Taken in by the nuns... Stars... I almost feel like I can reach them. Almost... One star calls out to me... It shines its light... It yearns to me, thrilling, yet terrifying at the same time... Should I dive deeper and follow it?"

"Do so," Optimus said. "Follow that star, and tell me more of what you see."

Stripes dove deeper. "I see a planet... A planet... of metal! Covered in strange looking buildings... They look so familiar, yet so distant... There is... Oh god!" Stripes saw the planet was on its last legs, it's inhabitants in the last cycle of a long, cold, devastating war. A war that had extinguished the planet! And then he saw the face of his enemy! Galvatron, letting out a roar of frustration!

"Cybertron..." He whispered. His spark started to race. "No, this isn't right... This is wrong, all of it is wrong!"

"Don't be afraid." Optimus encouraged. "Continue. Tell me what you are seeing."

"Cybertron. It's dead..." Stripes felt horrible. "Galvatron is there. He is searching for something... Something in the rubble... Searching for..."

It then clicked. Stripes' optics shot online in an instant.

"He's looking for me!" Stripes blurted, getting up. "He's looking for me... It's because I can revive Cybertron, isn't it?"

Right after those words left Stripes' vocalizer, explosions were heard outside. The barn shook.

"Optimus!" Hound cried. "We're under attack!"

Stripes and Optimus ran outside. There was gunfire, and the Decepticons were already swarming over the farm.

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