7: Lockdown's return

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Darkness... All he could see for a few moments was darkness. A voice.

"Your task is not yet complete, Lockdown. Optimus may have defeated you..."

Suddenly, his vision was flooded with light.

"...But he has not destroyed you..."

He felt his body suddenly come together as if he was being rebuilt! Reborn! His vision cleared. He was at the same spot where Optimus defeated him. The creators had revived him.

"...You shall go forth, and bring us the Last Prime. However, there is also another with him that we also desire. The Kin of Primus, our enemy, also now resides with Optimus Prime on this planet. Bring us both of them, and let nothing stand in your way. Not even that foolish imbecile, Galvatron."

Lockdown looked to the sky. "As you wish. I shall bring you both the Last Prime and Primus' Kin..."

He transformed into vehicle mode and drove off.

Meanwhile, in a forest far from Cade Yeager's farm...

It had been two days since Stripes' past was revealed. Optimus and Stripes had just arrived at the area where the Prime had hidden Lockdown's old spaceship. It was raining, and cold. Two things Stripes hated. Other than that, their drive had been very quiet. But then again, the past couple of days had been quiet, as Stripes had isolated himself in the barn. Stripes had no idea why Optimus was bringing him here, into this damp, forested canyon.

When they reached a large cliff face, they transformed into robot mode.

It was then that Stripes broke the silence. "...Optimus, what are we doing here?"

Optimus ran his hand along the cliff face and found what he was looking for: A hidden panel. He pressed it, and a section of the wall disappeared as if it vaporized! Or was it even there to begin with?

"This section of the cliff is a hologram. To keep others away and unaware." Optimus explained. "Come." He went in, motioning for Stripes to follow.

Stipes walked in, uneasy about the whole thing. He was expecting some sort of dark cave at first.

What he got was unlike anything he had imagined! Technology beyond his wildest imaginings! Bright lights, unknown metal structures, the works!

"Stay close." Optimus cautioned. "This ship is a lot bigger than it seems."

"Ship?" Stripes asked. "As in... Starship?"

Optimus nodded. "Follow me."

Stripes followed closely. After a bit, they came across a room with a pillar of swords. Optimus stood near some sort of container on the wall. He opened it up and fished something out of it.

"Brace yourself," Optimus warned. "This will be... Rather disturbing to see."

He fished something out of the container and turned to face Stripes. In his hand, was a partially-melted Cybertronian head!

"Augh!" Stripes stumbled backward in shock. "Is that... Is that what I think it is?"

A nod from Optimus was all Stripes needed. "He was our medic. His name was Ratchet... Humans did this to him. They butchered him to revive the Decepticons. Whether out of greed or deception, I do not know." Optimus was struggling to keep his rage under control, showing hints of it in his tone. "I want you to remember this. Not for vengeance, shame, or punishment... But to remind you how fragile life itself can be. How easily it can be taken away..."

Optimus put Ratchet's head in Stripes hands. All Stripes could do was stare at it in shock. One sentence escaped his vocalizer.

"...Why?" Stripes ran his fingers across the remains. "Why does the universe have to be like this?"

Unbeknownst to Stripes, something was awakening within him, and Optimus could clearly see it. For his optics had changed from their usual violet hue to a bright sunburst gold.

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