19: Reflection

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Lake Palmont

Several Hours Later...

"What in Primus' name did you do?" Elita shouted, waking Barricade from his stasis.

"Apparently, he did a number on him." Crosshairs said.

"You can't say he didn't deserve it..." Stripes began.

"That's not the point!" Elita snapped. "Doing stuff like what you did to Barricade's faceplates is no better than what Galvatron did to you! Keep this up, and you will become no better than him! Did you even stop to think of that?!"

Stripes went silent. Then Elita continued her lecture.

"Everything comes with a consequence, Stripes! Damaging and disfiguring a potential ally was a stupid, reckless, and dark move! Anger-driven actions like that reflect on you, and your stance on things! And the more you carry out those actions, the more you become numb to the consequences! That's what pushes people to evil, soulless points like Galvatron!" She sighed. "...We'll talk more about this later. Just think about what I've just told you." She then walked off.

Barricade was unsure what was going on. Stripes did something to his faceplates? He got up and saw Drift.

"Just what did he do?" Barricade asked.

Drift pointed to the lake. "Go see for yourself."

Barricade walked over and looked at his reflection in the lake. Stripes had left two deep marks on his faceplate in a cross over one of his optics. It was a miracle it was still functioning, as there was circuitry exposed around the mecha-wounds. Nevertheless, it wasn't that bad. At least from Barridcade's perspective. In his opinion, it made him seem more distinguished, though he didn't say anything about it out loud, for he did not want to provoke another confrontation with Stripes.

He got up and went back to the group after staring at his new look for a few seconds. As the humans said, take it with a grain of salt.

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