15: Elita's lesson

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Two Hours later...

Crosshairs debated with Drift and the other Autobots on what step they should take next. The Autobots were unsure of what to do, still reeling from this assault and the now absence of their leader.

Stripes was taking the abduction of Optimus Prime much harder than the rest of them. He was looking over the swords that Lockdown had thrown down to him before leaving. Optimus' sword had Cybertronian writing on it, that Stripes could read. It said "Star Saber" on a section of the blade. Obviously a name, or title. The katana had writing on it as well with the same purpose, only it read, "Matrix blade". Not that it made sense, nor made him feel any better about the current situation.

Elita walked up to him, not part of the debate between the other Autobots. She could tell that Stripes was beating himself up over what happened.

"Why are you blaming yourself for what happened when there was nothing you could do?" She asked.

Stripes looked at her, optics dimmed a dark blue. "Because this whole goddamn mess is my fault." Stripes said with a scowl. "I should have just surrendered earlier..."

"Don't say that." Elita said, her voice flat with agitation.

"Why shouldn't I?!" Stripes snapped as he got up, his optics turning a bright crimson, catching everyone's attention. "Thanks to me, Optimus is gone, and we're doomed either way! If I go up to Eternity pass and fight, then they'll scrap Optimus! If I surrender, they'll scrap him anyway, and I'll probably die in either scenario, along with the planet! I wasn't strong enough to stop Lockdown, what makes you think I'll be strong enough to stop him and Galvatron..."

Elita had had enough by then. She backhanded Stripes, knocking him over.

"First of all, quit the whole 'sparkling tantrum' routine, and get a grip. It's not only getting old, but it's also wearing on everyone's circuits." She snapped back. "Second, ask yourself the right questions. Instead of asking 'Why do I think I'm here?' start asking 'Why have I been brought here?' Third, don't quit on everything so easily. I doubt you quit when you were a few paces behind an opponent when you raced. True, this is a different scenario, but it's the same concept." She activated her Energon Blades, and assumed a combat stance. "Now, pick up Optimus' sword and spar with me. Perhaps that will make things more clear."

Stripes got up, grasping the Star Saber in his hands. He assumed an unorthodox stance, more like a baseball batter at home plate than a swordsman, but it was a stance nonetheless. All the others could do was watch. They knew better than to challenge Elita when she was teaching.

"Well, what are you waiting for?!" Elita challenged. "Come at me!"

Stripes charged her in a rush, jumping and swinging the sword over his head like a Viking.

A bad move. She quickly dodged what would have been a fatal blow, and launched her counterattack, knocking the sword out of Stripes' hands, and jutting her left blade at Stripe's neck servo, stopping inches from an Energon line.

"Not the best move you could have made," Elita said, holding up her other Energon blade to Stripes' faceplate. "Your rage may give you strength, but it also blinds you from other tactics you could have used. If this was a real fight, that blind rush would have cost you your life." She lowered both her blads. "Do you think Optimus would have done that if he was in a situation like this? Rushed in, enraged and blind? I don't think he would. Even if he was enraged, he still would have a plan. Since he's not here to think of one for us, that duty now falls to you. I know you are the son of Primus. It's obvious to everybody here. So start using the processors in that cranial unit you have and think: How can we beat Galvatron, and save Optimus?"

Stripes looked up at the sky. After a pause, he responded:
"We're not going to do it by sitting here and feeling sorry for ourselves, or by blaming each other. We need to take the fight to him... But before we do, we need a few more fighters. And I will need to learn how to fight better, and with a clear head." He turned to Ratchet. "Who else has died upon coming to Earth?"

Ratchet looked up wearily. "Well, there was Ironhide, if they have anything that's left of him, not to mention Jazz and Sentinel Prime. I'd be careful with Sentinel, though. He was a bit... confused when we first found him, and that led to disaster. But it's your call."

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