18: Anger Management

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Stripes was barely able to contain his feelings. He was enraged, heartbroken, confused, and disgusted, all rolled together. He turned to Barricade, pointing at him, his optics changing back to a blood red hue. Combined with the glowing Energon tears running down his face, it made for a disturbing, fearful sight.

"You..." Stripes bared his dental bands.

Barricade knew then he was in trouble. Stripes' popped out his arm cannon.

But Barricade had a surprise of his own. He put up his arms, ejecting all of his ammo cartridges, weapon heat sinks, and melee blades.

"...You'll never get a better shot, Kin of Primus. I am at your mercy, and will face your wrath if necessary."

Stripes was unmoved. Darius just laughed.

"You just don't get it, do you, 5-0 wannabe?!" Darius snapped in disgust. "Your war, your 'conflict', whatever the hell you wanna call it, has cost my friend everything! A chance to live, to learn, now you've stripped him of a chance to love... You really think after all you've done, after all this damage, after all, you've torn from him, that you will be able to withstand his 'wrath'?!" Darius laughed as if it was all a joke. "Do you have any idea what true 'wrath' even is? Or true pain? Because right now, you are about to face it all ten-fold, and I look forward to watching him tear you apart piece by piece. I might even join in, considering how I share his disgust with you Decepticon losers..."

"Maybe," Barricade responded. "But I doubt you would offline an unarmed mech, Kin of Primus. Also, instead of striking the feet of the Decepticons, wouldn't you rather aim for the head?"

Stripes' rage was not quelled that easy, but he retained enough control to hold back. "You've got my attention, copper, but don't think that just because you are unarmed I won't send you to the scrapyard. It's very tempting, even now, to just leave you here with holes in your chassis and body. So don't think for a moment I'm letting you off easy. Now, what are you getting at?"

Barricade's face displayed a war-torn warrior who had seen enough. "I'm sick of Galvatron and his war. Even when I knew him as Megatron, I had my doubts about him. I just never spoke them in front of the other Decepticons out of fear. But now, after all, I have witnessed, after all I have been forced to do, I have had enough. I am asking to join your cause, stop Galvatron from taking away our hopes for a future. Right now, my fate is in your hands. I hope you make the right choice."

Darius scoffed. "You want to switch sides? Do you really think it is just that easy..."

"Fine." Stripes interrupted. "But I have conditions."

Darius looked at Stripes, surprised. "Are you serious?!"

"Think of it this way, Darius." Stripes said. "We'd have access to Galvatron's plans, some of his henchmen's data, and various other things that could turn the tide in our favor. Plus, he might be our shot at getting Optimus back. Besides, this will give us a hidden advantage. He's not a friend, of course, but he will be a good asset."

"Well, this is just my opinion, but I think you are off by two letters," Darius said. "But it's your call."

He stepped forward, right in front of Barricade. "Here are the conditions: You will be watched at all times, and always accompanied by another Autobot. You will follow my commands to the letter, T's crossed and I's dotted. No deviating from any plan or strategy, or you will be shot and sent to the scrap heap. Also, I want no contact between you and your former commander. Either erase those frequencies from your memory right now or rip out your communicator equipment. I will have Ratchet check your memory for any of those frequencies."

"Consider it done." Barricade said, wiping the frequencies from his memory. "Anything else?"

"Yeah." Stripes said. He then punched Barricade in the faceplates, knocking him down to the ground. As his optics faded into stasis, he heard Stripes say one thing:
"That was for driving her away from me. And this is for everything else..."

The last thing Barricade saw was Stripes popping out his Energon blade before blacking out.

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