2) No Boasting, It's Unattractive (GOF)

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That was the day that Ruby met Draco. And unfortunately, that wasn't the only time she was cursed to cross wands with him. Since she insulted him in front of everybody, Draco made extra sure to put her down, embarrass her, or do practically anything just to wind her up. It hardly ever worked though; Ruby had spent a mass amount of her time tuning everybody out. For it, it was normal.

By the time year three ended, Ruby had made friends with the Golden Trio. In fact, she got on with them much more then she did with the Ravenclaws. They didn't mind having her around neither; she was always around for a good laugh when the tension was high. Ron even asked her to spend Christmas with him, Harry, and the rest of the Weasley family; since Ruby didn't have any parents. She and Harry were in the same boat, which made their friendship even stronger.

Since they were let off for summer vacation, Ruby had grown up quite a bit. Physically of course, attitude wise was a different story. Her frizzy honey hair had smoothed down, since now she was using a different conditioner. She lost some of her baby fat, hence defining her strong cheekbones. And her smile was much more glorious than ever.

 And her smile was much more glorious than ever

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It was six o'clock in the morning, and Harry and Ron were still fast asleep in their beds. The camping trip had worn them out, and all the boys wanted was a nice rest. Unfortunately, they weren't going to get it.

Arthur Weasley had asked Ruby to wake the boys, just as Hermione had arrived to join them. They opted to wake the boys together. As they went into their sleeping quarters, they found Harry was tossing and turning in his sleep...yet again. His nightmares were getting the best of him.

"Harry. Harry!" Hermione shouted his name, and he woke up in a shot.

"Are you okay?" Ruby asked him.

"Bad dream," he replied simply, "When did you get here?" he asked Hermione.

"Just now," she replied. Ruby took one of Harry's pillows and hit Ron with it, waking the poor ginger instantly.

"Wake up, Weasley!" she told him.

"Bloody hell," he groaned, "Whose brilliant idea was it for you to tag along with us?" he asked her.

"As I remember correctly: yours," she replied.

"Get dressed, the both of you. And don't go back to sleep!" Hermione scolded them.

"Come on, fellas! Breakfast is ready," Ruby added.

Molly had made them a hearty breakfast for their journey. An hour later, the children – along with Ron's brothers Fred and George – found themselves followed Arthur aimlessly through the forest. They had no idea where they were going.

"Dad! Where are we going?" Ron asked his father.

"Haven't the foggiest! Keep up!" he replied.

Soon, the group cam upon a man in a straw hat. He had a large backpack hauled over his shoulders, and he walked with a cane.

Ruby Dellamark ⍎ MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now