22) The (Attempted) Escape

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Harry, Ron, and Hermione had gone to get into the Floo Network, while the rest of Dumbledore's Army had scattered. They would take the rap of course if caught, so they simply had to avoid the Inquisitorial Squad for the next few hours...weeks even.

Ruby had changed into her civilian clothes, ready to gather the rest of the Army to hide out. She was suddenly stopped by a soft voice.

"Ruby!" Cho had to run to catch up with her, Ruby was walking very fast.

"Cho, I don't have time right now," Ruby said.

"I know, but I needed to talk to you," she replied.

"Honestly, it's best if you and I aren't seen together for the next while," she said.

"Ruby Dellamark, you listen to me!" Cho exclaimed. Ruby stopped at her sudden outburst, "I didn't want to rat you out to Umbridge. She made me drink something, a truth serum," she said.

"I can believe that. Given the old sea witch would do anything and everything to get what she wants," Ruby replied.

"Where are you going?" Cho asked her.

"I'm rounding up the army," she replied.

"Where're you gonna go?" she asked.

"No offense, but it's safer for the both of us if I don't tell you," she replied. Cho nodded and slowed to a halt.

"I understand, you still don't trust me. But Ruby!" she shouted. Ruby stopped and turned around.

"What is it?" she asked.

"Good luck, I'll cover for you," she replied. Things were finally starting to look up.

"Thanks. And don't get caught!" she shouted back. Ruby started speed walking through the halls, rounding up everybody she could find. Ginny was the first.

"I don't understand, where're we going?" she asked Ruby.

"Hogsmeade. It's the safest place for us right now," she replied.

"What about Harry, Ron, and Hermione?" sheasked.

"They've got their own mission, we've got ours," she replied. Soon they spotted everybody else on the second below them. The school was buzzing, everybody was rushing around, students were in a deep state of confusion, and Mr. Filch was huddled in a corner, wrapping his arms around his knees and rocking back and forth.

"HEY!" Ruby called down. Neville, Luna, and some of the other members of the army looked up at her, "Bridge! Five minutes!" she shouted. The nodded and dispersed.

"What if Umbridge catches us?" Ginny asked

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"What if Umbridge catches us?" Ginny asked.

"We turn her and her little squad into frogs. Enough is enough," she replied, "When we get to Hogsmeade, we'll be able to alert the Order. They can send help and get this place running properly again,"

Ruby Dellamark ⍎ MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now