16) Really Bad Day

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Breakfast had barely finished before a mass of students had crowded into the front courtyard of Hogwarts. Ruby watched everybody rush by, and decided it would be best to follow.

When she came outside, she was absolutely shocked to find Mr. Filch carrying out Professor Trelawney's bags and dumping them at her feet. Meanwhile, Professor Umbridge stood there looking quite pleased with herself as Trelawney cowarded and shivered.

"Sixteen years I've lived and taught here. Hogwarts is my home. You can't do this," she cried. Umbridge only smiled and held up a pamphlet.

"Actually, I can," she replied. Professor McGonagall quickly stepped in, and held Professor Trelawney as she began to cry, "Something you'd like to say?" she asked.

"Oh, there are several things I would like to say!" she snapped back. Ruby watched from the side, then was suddenly overcome by a wave of rage.

"Yeah, so would I," she muttered as she took out her wand. But just before she cast a spell, somebody grabbed her arm. Draco.

"Put it down!" he hissed.

"You're just going to stand by and let her do this?" she asked him.

"You want to get expelled?" he replied. Just before she could reply, the doors swung open, and Dumbledore came out.

"Professor McGonagall, might I ask you to escort Sybil back inside?" he asked. McGonagall complied gratefully, and Trelawney spewed out a number of thank-yous as the two went inside.

"Dumbledore," Umbridge said, "May I remind you that under the terms of the Educational Decree-"

"You have the right to dismiss my teachers. You do not, however, have the right to banish them from the grounds. That power remains with the headmaster," he replied. Umbridge just smiled that annoying smile.

"For now," those two little words pissed Ruby off the most.

As everybody went back inside, Ruby rushed to catch up with Draco and his friends before they disappeared for their next class.

"Hey! Malfoy!" she shouted. He, along with Goyle and Crabbe, stopped and turned to her.

"Do she us or something? Only reason why she's following us around," Crabbe said. Goyle laughed his ugly laugh, while Draco just rolled his eyes.

"I'll catch up," he told them. The boys just shrugged and went off to their next class.

"What did you do that for?" Ruby asked.

"Do what?" he asked.

"Stop me from hexing Umbridge. It would have been funny! I was gonna turn her into a pigeon!" she replied.

"Call it now owing me a favor, I just saved your skin," he said.

"I can defend myself without your help," she sneered. Draco smirked and leaned down closer.

"True, but I find my life is more chaotic when you're in it," he replied. Then with that, he walked away. Ruby was left there, standing completely dumbfounded.


"That foul, evil, old gargoyle!" Hermione cursed. She, Ron, and Harry sat in their common room, while the fire was going strong in the hearth. Each of them were completely livid with Umbridge.

"We're not learning how to defend ourselves. We're not learning how to pass our OWLs. She's taking over the entire school!" she exclaimed. Suddenly, the door opened, and Ruby stormed in, her face was red like a tomato.

"Okay, she's gotta go Like now," she said. The other three just stared at her, but not at her outburst.

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Ruby Dellamark ⍎ MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now