10) Fire

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Ruby wanted to go and celebrate Harry's victory with everybody else, but instead, Professor McGonagall had her rushed to the hospital wing. It was a good thing she had, because the moment Madame Pomfrey gave Ruby a bed to rest, she fell asleep right away. Within the next day, she had a stuffy nose and a dry cough; she had a cold. She hoped that she could pass by Goyle within the next few days and pass this cold onto him.


She sneezed not once, not twice, but three times as she headed down for the hall, ready to see Harry compete in the final challenge. It took a little of her charm, but she convinced Madame Pomfrey to let her out of the hospital and go watch the match.

"Bless you!" she heard from behind. She turned around and saw that familiar mess of platinum blonde under a fur cap.

"What're you doing in here?" she asked, then she wiped her nose with her sleeve, "Everybody's already gone to the match," she said.

"I forgot my button," Draco showed her the same Potter Stinks button that she kept seeing all year. Ruby scoffed.

"Didn't those go out of style, like the moment that Harry completed the first challenge?" she asked with a sniffle.

"I still have faith in some of the less airy-fairy students in the school," he replied, then he took out a tissue from his pocket and handed it to her, "Here,"

"Thanks," she took the tissue, just in time for another sneeze. Draco noticed the little squeak that came from her as she sneezed, it was quite adorable.

"How is it that four other people dived into the lake yet you're the only one with a cold?" he asked her.

"I don't know. Maybe it's just bad luck," she replied.

"Well, do you and your bad luck want to walk with me to the arena?" he asked.

"Will Tweedle-Dumb and Tweedle-Dee be there?" she asked him.

"Indubitably," he replied. She scowled.

"What kind of a word is 'indubitably'? Who even says that?" she asked.

"My father does," he replied.

"That explains it," she said. Draco didn't bother asking what she meant by that, he didn't feel like being in a bad mood.


Luckily, the two arrived at the arena just in time, as the games were already beginning. Ruby slid through the throngs of people and took her seat with Ron Hermione. She saw Harry come out with Professor Dumbledore, looking as though he wished he could be anywhere but there at the moment.

"Silence!" Dumbledore called. The cheer and excitement settled down, and the students took their seats.

"Earlier today, Professor Moody placed the Triwizard Cup deep within the maze. Only he knows its exact position. Now as Mr. Diggory–" Cedric groupies cut Dumbledore right off as they began to cheer, "and Mr. Potter–" then were followed right after by Harry's friends, "are tied for first position, they will be the first to enter the maze, followed by Mr. Krum, and Miss Delacour,"

Professor Moody emerged from the maze, tucking something into his jacket before anybody could notice. But Ruby noticed, it was that same bottle he was always drinking out of.

"The first person to touch the cup will be the winner! I've instructed the staff to patrol the perimeter. Should, at any point, a contestant wish to withdraw from the task, he or she need only send up res sparks with their wands," Dumbledore then turned to Harry and Cedric, "Contestants! Gather around. Quickly," he then proceeded to tell them something that Ruby couldn't make out, or anybody for that matter.

Ruby Dellamark ⍎ MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now