7} "This Is What I Get?!"

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♡ Emily's POV ♡

"Em?" Liam called into my room.

I didn't answer. I stayed quiet. I was happy he was home I just didn't want him to see me like this...

"Emily are you in here?" He called out again, his voice coming closer to the bathroom.

The door slowly creaked open and I turned away from the door. I slumped trying to hide my bleeding wrists.

"Emily! God dammit!" He screamed and rushed to my side.

He ripped off his shirt and slowly dabbed away at my wrists. My face was dry with tears and I couldn't find any words to say.

"Emily! Why do you do this to yourself?!" He asks frantically, still attempting to dry the blood seeping from my cuts.

"I'm sorry Liam... I just can't take it anymore..." I cried.

When he finally got my wrists cleaned up I took a glance at his body. Every inch of him was covered in muscle. His toned abs stuck out against his stomach. His fists were clenched making his biceps flex.

I could tell he was upset with me. He'd wanted me to stay strong and I couldn't. I was too weak, too vulnerable, and too open to pain.

"I come home from tour and this is what I get?" He asks, his voice cracking on his last word.

I opened my mouth to speak but he didn't let me.

"Emily. I can't stand it to see you like this. I can't take it anymore. It crushes me to see you in this state. If you can't take care of yourself I'm going to have to keep you with me.

"Any person who hates you isn't a fan. Emily they're just jealous of what we have. They're jealous of our relationship. They're jealous of you.

"They just want me all to themselves. But all I want is you. Why can't you see that? Why can't you see what I see? Why do you have to self harm? How does this make you feel better?

"Because it kills me. It kills me. When you self harm... When you starve yourself... When you look like this... It shatters my heart.

"I love you. And you don't know how much you mean to me. You'll never know how much you mean to me. But I can tell you it's more than everything combined...

"You'll always be more to me than a girl who self harms. Or a depressed girl who hates herself. You'll always be more than a fan that I met at a meet and greet.

"You're Emily Tanner. The beautiful, sensitive, and loving girlfriend that I fell in love with. I fell in love with you. Not what Mckenzie makes you." He says and wipes away my tears.

I look into his eyes and see the water well up in his eyes. He grazes my cheek with his thumb and wipes away every tear that falls.

"But why do you love me? Why am I more than just a fan? Why do I mean so much to you when I mean so little to everyone else? Why don't people see me the way you do? Why are you the only one?" I ask and he pulls me into a tight hug.

"I love you because you're you. I wouldn't ask for anything more. You're beautiful. You're amazing. You're perfect in every way. But most of all I get to tell you how much I love you. When I tell you how much you mean to me and how much I love you, I'm expressing myself. I let go of feelings I have inside. Feelings that I have for you... Feelings that I've never had for anyone else in my whole life.

"You're more than just a fan... You're my beautiful girlfriend and I'm madly in love with you. I've never loved a fan as much as I love you. Hell... I've never loved anyone as much as I love you.

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