18} Remember

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Emily's POV

I stood there wondering what to ask him. What would be too important that I can only ask him?

I looked passed him at the frame on the bed. It was a picture of me and him... Together. In each other's arms.

"What's that?" I ask reaching for the frame.

"That's mine." He says snatching it off the bed.

"I asked what it was not who's it was."

"Well it's a picture. And it means a lot to me."

"Why?" I ask taking a seat on the bed.

"Because it does alright..." He said looking at me.


"For what?"

"I don't know..."

Silence washed over us. He looked down at me with soft eyes. I need to ask him what I came to ask him and get out... But, what do I want to ask him?

"Liam... Why did we break up?" I ask looking up at him.

"What?" He asks glancing down at the frame he held in his hands.

"Why did we break up?"

"Oh... That's not something I want to talk about right now."

My eyes started to water with tears as my feelings boiled up inside of me. My hands clench together into fists and I'm trying not to lose my head.

"Why not?" I ask.

"Because I don't want to talk about it..." He says looking at me and then turning his back.

The match lit the fuse and I exploded.

"Alright! Liam I don't know what your problem is but I want to get better! I want to get my memory back! I want to know who you people are! And you constantly having a negative attitude, screaming and yelling at me, and keeping secrets is not helping ok!" I yelled. "I need help and you sure as hell aren't giving me any."

He spun around quickly and his face looked sad. A single tear slipped from his eye and fell off his cheek. He slowly came closer to me.

"I'm sorry ok..." He mumbles putting the frame back on the bed.

"What?" I ask.

"I said I'm sorry ok! I'm sorry that I've been an ass to you lately. I want to help you get better I do... But it's really hard for me. Because I love you so much, and I don't know if you feel the same way or not. Now that you've lost your memory I may never know again. Especially if you don't get it back.

"Plus you and Harry are close. He was there when I wasn't. After the break up he kissed you. I was infuriated with him. But for some reason I couldn't be mad at you. I could never be mad at you no matter how hard I tried. There was just this way about you that I couldn't get around.

"Maybe it's because of how I feel about you but I don't know. I just wish I could take it all back..."

"Take what back?"

He pauses and looks me in the eyes. Almost as if he were staring into me. I never noticed until now how beautiful they were.

"Everything. Everything I said to you. Everything that I've done to Harry and Zayn-" he started but I interrupted.

"What did you do to Harry and Zayn?" I ask.

He took in a deep breath and glanced up at the ceiling. It's like he didn't want to reminisce to that day.

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