11} Food Run Gone Wrong

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♡ Emily's POV ♡

"Liam I'm hungry..." I whine.

"Well Ms. Emily, me and the boys haven't had anything to eat either and we could use some food." He comments.

"Perfect! I'll do a McDonald's run! Don't worry Li I'll be back!"

"Please be careful! I know that it's right down the street but anything can happen. Oh and you might want to get extra burgers. Niall eats at least three, maybe more if he's really hungry.

"Don't be so paranoid Liam. I'm coming right back!" I reassure him and he nods.

I stand up off the bed and straighten out my skirt and long sleeved sweater. I quickly grab a brush and run it through my hair, leaving it down to cascade over my shoulders. I adjust my glasses and slip on some sandals.

"Babe you look perfect. And you know, performing works up quite an appetite..." Liam comments impatiently.

"Don't rush me! I don't want to go out on the street known as Liam Payne's girlfriend and look like a hobo." I snap bak at him.

"Ok I'm just speaking my mind."

"Well shut up."

I laugh to signal I was kidding as Liam makes his way over to me. Padding the carpet floor in his socks he finally reaches me and wraps his arms around me. I can feel his arm muscles flex against my body.

"Ok Liam... A little... Less crushing... Please!" I breath out.

"Oh sorry." He laughs releasing me.

I look up at him and smile going on my tippy toes to give him a quick peck. I pull away and he slips some cash into my pocket.

"What's that for?" I ask pulling it out.

"To pay for lunch." He says as if I was brainless.

"I'm paying."

"No you're not! Not for all five of us!"

"I don't mind Liam really!" I protest.

"Well I do. You're not paying for anything!" He says and smiles.

"Fine... What do you think the boys want to drink?"

"Just get them Coke or Pepsi. Whichever they have here."


"Hurry back!" Liam calls to me.

"I will!" I say back and head for the door.

I walk out and shut it behind me. I see Harry out in the hall on the phone. He sees me and hangs up with whoever he's talking to.

"Oh um... I got to go! Let me call you back!" He says quickly. "Oh ok... Bye!"

He hangs up the phone and falls into step beside me.

"Who was that?" I ask him.

"My mum. I call her whenever I land to tell her that I'm ok." He answers putting his hands into his pockets. "Where are we going?"

"I'm going to McDonald's on a food run. I don't know where you're going."

"Oh great! I'm starving! Imagine how Niall feels... And I'm going with you."

"That's ok Harry. I'm perfectly fine going by myself. I'm pretty sure I can go outside unnoticed but you on the other hand... Would have a little trouble." I laugh.

"That's why I wear beanies and sunglasses. Duh!" He says pulling a beanie and a pair of sunglasses out of nowhere and putting them on.

"But Harry... I can still tell its you. You don't look any different."

"Whatever. I don't care. I'm not letting you go by yourself. I don't want anything bad to happen to you."

"Aw that's sweet Hazz! But you don't have to come if you don't want to." I offer.

"No that's ok! I want to." He says looking down at me holding out his elbow.

I smile and take it willingly and we skip down the corridor with our elbows locked together. His curls bounced inside his beanie and I couldn't help but laugh at seeing the joy in his emerald green eyes.

We reached the elevator and he pressed his finger on the down arrow.

"So how's your mum?" I ask, breaking the awkward silence as we waited for the elevator.

"She's good! But my sister, Gemma, is ill in bed with the flu. She has a mild fever and keeps throwing up all over the place..." He explains and I see the chill run up his spine.

"Aw I'm sorry Harry."

"That's ok. I'd rather not be there to help clean that up..."

He laughs slightly and giggle along as well. The elevator finally reaches our floor. We step inside and Harry pushes the 1 button and the doors close behind us.

"What about you? Have you called your mum and dad?" He asks me.

I gulp nervously not wanting to tell him the truth. I quickly come up with a cover up lie.

"Um... Yeah! I did actually..." I say hesitantly.

"How are they?" He asks raising a suspicious eyebrow.

"Good! They were happy to hear that I landed safely."

A bead of sweat dripped down my forehead and I knew Harry saw it. I couldn't tell whether he could read me as easily as I think he can or not, but I hope not.

"Is it hot in here or is it just me?" I ask to cover it up and wave a hand in front of my face.

"I'm not hot... Maybe if you didn't wear long sleeves all the time you wouldn't be hot." He laughed and I had to try to form a fake laugh to cover up the thoughts boggling my head.

If only you knew...

He looked over at me and I immediately erased my sad expression. It was a second to late and his face fell.

"Everything ok?" He asks.

"Yeah! Of course!" I put on a fake smile and flash it up to him.

The elevator door opens breaking the awkward moment. I sigh in relief as we step out into the lobby. We walk silently through the door and past a fleet of fans waiting by the street. We walk down towards the McDonald's in silence as I look down. I result to my habit of counting lines to distract me.

We came upon the entrance to the McDonald's and I counted fifty two lines in the sidewalk. There was no line so lucky we didn't have to wait.

"I'll be right back ok? Running to the toilet." I say and disconnect our elbows.

"Ok I'll be out here." He replies and leans against the wall, propped on his arm.

I silently walked passed tables of people. A group of girls stared me down as I waked passed. I ducked my head and quickened my pace. Even after I couldn't see them I knew they were staring daggers into my back. I pushed open the toilet door and quickly walked inside. I quietly slid down one of the walls as the door opens.

I look up to reveal the group of three girls who reminded me of the three faces I hated the most. The way they looked at me. The way they walked together. The way they looked like them... Mckenzie and her friends... That's who they looked like.

"You're Liam's girlfriend aren't you?" The one that resembled Mckenzie said.

"Oh c'mon Taylor! Let's not play stupid. We know who you are bitch." Said the one with wavy brown hair.

"Now now Brooke lets not be too harsh... But you are right. She's not much to look at. How did Liam pick you out at a meet and greet?" Taylor sneered.

"You don't deserve Liam! You'll never deserve him! You're too ugly for him! You always will be! Why don't you just save yourself the sorrow and break up with him?!" The one who hasn't spoken yet, snapped.

"Leanne's right. You're no good for Liam. I know about you Emily Tanner. I know you're back story. Unless you want me to reveal it to the entire world you'll break up with Liam before the tour is over..."

She yanked up my sleeves and shook her head in disgust. She scanned over me once more and then rolled her eyes.

"Liam's just dating you because he feels sorry for you." She says and I stand up with wobbly knees.

"That's- that's not true..." I stutter fighting back tears, trying to be strong.

"Oh but it is. He's playing with you like a toy. He doesn't love you. You're pitiful. Which is exactly how he sees you. He pitied you at that meet and greet." She smirked. "You didn't think he actually loved you? Did you?"

Her words slashed me right through the heart. Even worse than a wrist... My hands flew to my mouth as I shook my head. Tears flowing down my cheeks. She was right... Her words began to sink in. He's dating me out of pity. Of course! How could I have been so stupid?! So blind?! He doesn't really love me! He was just saying that to make me feel better! Everything about how beautiful I am, a lie! The park date, fake! I'm so stupid!

"Now you know the horrible truth. Just let that sink in sweetheart. Remember our deal ok? Buh-bye now." She waved her hand as she and her friends walked out.

I walked my way to the mirror. I stared back at my messy face. You're ugly. You're worthless. You're an idiot. Liam never loved you. He felt sorry for you. He was pitying you and you were too blind to see that. I punched the already cracked glass and it sent a long crevice across the face of the mirror. A small jagged edge piece fell into the sink. I picked it up, my hand shaking uncontrollably. I shuffled over to the door and locked it. I crouched into a stall and locked that door too. I stared down at my forearms.

He doesn't love you! He never did! You're so stupid for believing him! Just slash that glass right across your stupid wrist you dumbass!

I listened to the voice in my head. I slashed the piece of glass across my wrist, creating a clear cut. I whimpered as more tears dripped down my cheeks. Blood drew from the fresh scratch and I placed the glass into the other hand. I hovered my hand over my wrist as tears dripped onto the scars and scabs of previous cuts. I moved my hand involuntarily over my wrist and yelped out in pain. I stuffed the bloody glass into my pocket for future use and walked out of the stall. Blood dripping down my arms from my wrists. I grabbed paper towels and dried up the blood seeping from the cuts. Tears fell from my chin onto my palm and wrists and stung them. Once they were dry and stopped bleeding I pulled my sleeves down. I wet another paper towel and wiped up all the red liquid that had dripped on the floor and threw away the wet paper. All of the evidence that I had cut is now gone.

I groggily unlocked the door and walked out. Knowing I was crying. Knowing I was a mess. I brought the ends of my sleeves over my hands and covered my cheeks. Harry was facing away from me and I cuddled into his side.

"Hey you're back- what happened?!" He asks frantically his mood changing quickly from relieved to panicked.

"Harry... Y-you have to... You have to trust me... W-when I say that I can't talk about it... W-with you..." I say through my sobs, as tears fall down my cheeks.

Everyone was staring at me I could feel it... Including Harry. A hurt expression crossed his face.

"W-what do you-" he started but I cut him off.

"I just can't ok! We need to go back now! I need Liam! I need to talk to him!" I cry.


He didn't say another word after. We hurried back to the apartment quietly. Red started to stain my sleeves and I stuck them underneath my armpits in an effort to hide them from Harry.

He carried the food with a horrified expression on his face. He doesn't know what happened. He didn't need to know what happened. It would only scare him away.

As we came out of the elevator I ran to me and Liam's room. I was crying harder, the girl's sentences etched into my mind. I tried to open the hotel room but it was locked. I forgotten to take a key and I just slumped down on the outside wall.

Liam must not have heard me because no one came out of the room. Harry had disappeared into one and I saw three heads poking out of a doorway. Louis, Niall, and Zayn they all looked at me as if I was an animal... Which I was. I looked down into my lap as a door clicked shut.

I hadn't noticed it was our door until Liam's voice was talking to me. I wasn't paying attention to him. I could her him talking but I was completely zoned out, unable to understand any of the mumbles that had come through. His hands were on my shoulders roughly shaking me and then I snapped out of my daze.

"... Emily?! Emily?! Hello?! Answer me!" He says frantically cupping my cheeks.

"Liam... I can't... I can't stay here... I have to go back..." I say lifelessly staring at the wall across the corridor.

"What do you mean?"

"Back to London..." I say and finally meet his gaze.

He was crushed. Devastated. Heartbroken and any other words you could fit under the category of sad. The look on his face said everything for him. He didn't even need to speak.

"B-but why?" He stutters.

I don't answer him and raise up off the floor. I walk into the propped open door and pick up my suitcase. I pack away my things in my duffel bag.

"Em... You c-can't leave... Why? Why are you leaving?" He asks painfully.

"Because... I'm... I..." I stuttered looking for the right words to say.

"You're what?" He asked with every expression from his face in his voice.

"I'm... I'm breaking up with you..."

♡ Liam's POV ♡

"Y-you're w-what?" I could barely find my voice.

Did I hear her right. I couldn't have could I?

"Please don't make me say it again." She pleaded tears streaking down her face.

I still couldn't believe it.. She really means it. I couldn't find the strength to move. Couldn't find the will to talk. My knees were buckling underneath me. I fell to the floor my fingers digging into the carpet.

A few muffled sounds came out of my gaping mouth. I couldn't help but stare at the design filled carpet. Utter shock took over my body. I looked up at her to see her zipping up her small duffel bag. She dropped her suitcase and duffel in a pile.

"Was it something... Was it something I did?" I ask finally finding my voice.

"No... Liam... It's not you... I can't believe I'm pulling this card but... It's me... Please don't. Blame this on yourself. I just want you to know that none of this is your fault..." She says kneeling down in front of me.

She reaches out for my shoulder and I flinch under her touch. My voice left me again. I couldn't come up with a response. She sighed and grabbed her things.

Don't leave! Stay with me! Please! I love you! I wanted to call out to her but my voice didn't come.

I couldn't form the words I wanted to scream. She was really going... I couldn't bare to look at her. I sat on my knees and fisted the carpet. I thought I was going to pull it from the floor boards when a new emotion flood my system. Anger.

"Goodbye-" I didn't let her finish.

"Just get out of here ok! If you're doing this I don't want to see you again! I want you out of my life! Gone! Don't come back! Im sorry I met you! I knew I should've stayed at the meet and greet instead of go after you! I didn't expect you to break my heart like this! Well congratulations! You've officially succeeded in tearing out a guys heart! Why do you always have to ruin everything?!" I yelled as I found myself now standing.

Tears fell over her cheeks. She raced passed my tense body and through the door it slammed behind her as she disappeared.

What did I just do?

♡ Emily's POV ♡

"Why do you always have to ruin everything?!" He shouted angrily.

Tears poured down my cheeks. I rushed past him out the door and into the corridor. I ran as quickly as I could to the elevator not wanting to be seen by any of the other lads.

How could he? I know I was hurting him... But he went to far...

It broke my heart to see him so sad. But I couldn't help it. I couldn't lose my four new best friends and I couldn't stand anymore Mckenzies in my life.

His words hung in my mind. Why do you always have to ruin everything?!

He's right... I ruined everything. It's all my fault. He's mad, depressed, whatever he's feeling now. I don't know and I wish I could take it all back. But I can't. I don't need anymore hate in my life. Now at least I don't have to deal with the fans...

The elevator dinged open and I heard a door open. I spun around quickly to see Zayn.

"Emily?" He asks.

I sigh and drop my bags knowing ill have to explain. He quickly walks over to me. Putting a hand on my shoulder he just looks at me. I feel tears burning in my eyes. They begin to stream down my face and Zayn pulls me into a warm hug.

"Shh." He repeats over and over again in an effort to calm my loud sobs.

Once he gets me to calm down he sits me down on the floor and places himself next to me. I put my head onto his chest and he wraps an arm around my shoulder.

"I suppose you have a million questions for me." I say and wipe tears from my cheeks.

"Just one actually..." He replies rubbing my shoulder with a calming warm hand.

"What is it?"


I pause. There are so many whys... Which had he meant? Why was I packing up? Why was I crying? Why was I in such a rush to get into the elevator? Why are the tops of my sleeves stained red?

"I have a really long story to tell you..." I confess.

"No you don't... The night he met you. He told me what had happened to you. How you cut yourself really badly and that a bitch named Mckenzie bullies you." He stopped there.

"Did he leave out the part where my parents hate me?"

"No he pretty much covered it..."

I sighed into Zayn's chest. He told... How could he tell someone after I made him promise not to. That brought on a new wave of slow tears.

"Alright one question at a time. Why are you crying?" He asks.

"Liam..." I state plainly.

"Why are you leaving?"


"Why were you rushing to leave?"

"I didn't want anyone to see me leaving..."

"What happened?"

I took in a deep breath. I didn't want to discuss it. I just wanted to get up and go... I wanted to leave One Direction behind. Like I never met them in the first place.

"Well... Do you want from where it started or why I'm leaving?" I ask.

"Where it started would be nice." He says calmly.

I told him everything. That me and Harry went to get food. The girls that made fun of me. Taylor. Brooke. Leanne. What they said about me. How I punched the glass. How I cut myself.

I pulled up my blood stained sleeves to reveal the stinging cuts. Zayn pulled up my sleeves to my elbow taking in the canvas of my arms. He was just as shocked as Liam was when I showed him... I was embarrassed to show anyone my cuts and scars. He ran his thumb over the scabs and scars and I winced as he passed over the fresh tender cut skin. He was gentle. His touch was soothing.

I continued my story. When I can out how Harry was almost too scared to look at me. And finally Liam. How I broke up with Liam. How he yelled at me. And the one sentence that will never leave mind... Why do you always ruin everything?!

Zayn gasped a little as I told him how Liam yelled that to me. His grip tightened on me protectively.

"Liam... Would never ever say that..." Zayn says defending his best mate.

"Well he did. He's no different. No different than Mckenzie. No different than Taylor." I say and Zayn pushes himself away from me.

"You and Liam may have broken up but what you just said is not true and you know it. Liam is nothing like those girls. He loves you. Why would you break up with him?"

"He doesn't love me. He never did. He pitied me. He made me feel loved when I wasn't. He felt bad for me Zayn! He played my heart strings like a guitar! He didn't mean all of those things he said about me. I'm not beautiful. I'm ugly. I'm not loved. I'm a freak. He always called me perfect but I know that was a lie now. I never believed him anyway.

"I thought what is a pop star doing dating a girl like me? A hopeless, stupid, ugly, worthless freak! He said he wanted to help. He said he promised he'd never hurt me. Lies all lies!

That's why I broke up with him. Because I ruin everything!"

The tears were back. I couldn't fight them as the dripped from my cheeks to the carpeted floor. Zayn was staring at me as if I were stupid.

"Maybe you are as stupid as you say you are. You don't realize how he truly felt about you. You don't realize what you had. Liam loves you unconditionally. He would never hurt you. I know. I promise. He's my best mate. He wouldn't just tell at you for no reason...

"If you think he pitied you into a relationship. If you don't think he loved you. If you don't see that Liam was trying to help you. Then you truly don't deserve him..." Zayn says and more tears came.

He stood up without another word and disappeared into a room slamming the door shut behind him. But I can't stay... I can't... I stood up and gathered my bags. I let out a deep breath and pressed the elevator button.

Goodbye boys. Goodbye Liam. I still love you.

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