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♡ Emily's POV ♡

"Emily... You've been my best friend for almost two years now. It's been a wonderful journey. We've been through amazing things together and conquered the impossible. You get more beautiful every day I'm around you and today you look stunning." He paused to take my hands in his and looked me directly in the eyes. "You're the best girlfriend I could've asked for. I'm so happy that we've worked out our differences so that we could be where we are today.

"I love you with all my heart and I can't imagine my life without you. I'm so proud of you for staying strong for what you have been through... I was so scared when I thought I was going to lose you because I didn't know whether you loved me or not. But now I know for sure. We love each other and I couldn't picture it any other way.

"I hope this day has been memorable for you so far because it's about to get better... Emily, I love you so much and I want you to be by my side forever."

I started to tear up as he kneels on to one knee and pulls a small box out of his pocket. This was the moment I've been dreaming of since I was a little girl. My knight in shining armor came to rescue me from my tower.

"Emily Tanner, you'll always be my one and only love," Liam paused. "Will you marry me?" He popped the question and opened the box.

I remember that moment like it was yesterday... It was the happiest moment of my life. The moment when I knew that everything would get better. Liam and I could finally make our love permanent and nothing could ever separate us. 

The wedding was more perfect than I ever could have dreamed of. Liam looked so handsome, more handsome than he had ever been. I remember thinking how could I have been so lucky to have something as wonderful as him. I couldn't wait to spend the rest of my life with Liam. I believed that our love would last forever...

That was, until he passed away... Liam died long after our two beautiful children had grown up and had children of their own. We grew old together, just like you'd expect we would. Grey haired and wrinkly sitting together on the front porch watching our grandchildren play in the yard. We were the happy old couple that lived together on the end of the street. The kind of couple that had been together for a few decades. 

After Liam had passed I couldn't sleep for a few days. My eldest son, Shane, and his wife offered for me to stay with him. But no matter how much I wanted the comfort, I couldn't bring myself to accept the kind offer. He reminded me too much of Liam. Seeing him too soon would only make things worse. My daughter, Danielle and her family come by often to check on me. She's so worried about me and she has a right to be. Things sure haven't been the same. 

Liam left only a year ago and each day without him is another unbearable day. I miss him so much... When we were younger I couldn't imagine a life without him. Now that it's actually happening its hard to forget... I wish I could forget that every time I get into bed he won't be there beside me, every time I eat he won't be in his chair across the table, every time I need him he won't be there anymore...

It's a hard life without Liam, but everyone is helping me scrape by. I couldn't be happier of the life I've had with Liam and the life I have after him. Of course I miss him, but I can't always dwell on his death... My children need me to help raise my grandchildren and tell them all about their grandfather who they barely knew. Tell them his story and how he was a great singer, how he changed so many lives. But most of all, how he changed mine....

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Omg guys! It's finally done! Sorry it's so short. I couldn't think of a good ending but I hope this one suffices! I just hope you all enjoyed this book as much as I did. I still can't believe this is my third book. It's been so much fun! I can't wait to finish the next one! So stay tuned for more chapters of What Forever Feels Like!! Love you all so so so much!


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