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I groggily sat up in my bed and looked around to see what had woken me. I hear strange tapping coming from my window. I grabbed my wand, attack mode on and cautiously headed to open my curtains.

When I pulled them apart it revealed a small Eagle Owl perched on my windowsill tapping away with its beak. There was a letter attached to its leg. I opened the window and the owl flew in and landed on my desk.

I untied the envelope from the owls leg and very quickly opened it to view its contents. It read,

"Dear Ms. Granger,
I am pleased to inform you that Hogwarts has been rebuilt! Therefore I am having all seventh years return to finish their final year if they choose to.

I know that it is on short notice but your term will begin on September 1st. I will need your letter back one month prior to that. I must tell you that there has been a new law that has been established by the Ministry of Magic. I mustn't say anymore, the Minister told me himself not to inform you of this, but given that you are one of two of my favorite students, I thought I should tell you.

Minerva McGonagall
Headmistress of Hogwarts"

After reading this letter I was very confused. 'What was this new law?' 'Why didn't the Minister want us to know?' 'Who is McGonagall's other favorite student?' I pondered my thought's before heading downstairs to get breakfast and share this news with my parents.

Meanwhile at the Malfoy Residence

I was reading a book on my bed. I hadn't been to sleep yet. Nightmares from the war kept me up most nights. I found it better to stay awake and ponder my thoughts or pass the time by reading rather then spend torturous hours plagued by the past.

Soon though, my mother called me downstairs. "Coming Mum," I shouted loud enough for her to hear. My mind wondering what the woman could want with me at 7 o'clock in the morning. I figured it must be about school.

When I got down there she told me I had a letter. She handed me envelope and sure enough it was from Hogwarts. I tore open the letter and read it's contents.

"Dear Mr.Malfoy,

I am pleased to inform you that we have finished the reconstruction of Hogwarts! Therefore I want every seventh year to return and finish their final year. It is up to their choosing of course.

I know I have sent this letter on short notice but your term will begin on September 1st. I will need your letter back one month prior to that. I must inform you that the Ministry of Magic has established a new law. I can't tell you any details. The Minister of Magic gave me strict orders to not even tell you of the establishment. But given you are one of two of my favorite students I felt the need to inform you.

Minerva McGonagall
Headmistress of Hogwarts."

I was really shocked and confused after reading the letter. Shocked because I had to go back to Hogwarts, confused to what this new bloody law was, why the Minister didn't want us to know about it, who McGonagall's other favorite student is, and why in hell I'm one of them in the first place.

After everything I did during the war, one would think I wouldn't even be allowed in that school. It's not like I don't regret everything I did. I do, more than anything. And I hate myself for it. Everyday. There really isn't a day that goes by where I don't remind myself of the poisonous acts I committed.

I don't want to go back to that school and see all of the faces of the friends and family I hurt. I just want to stay in my home and wallow in self hatred. But I knew my mother would force me to go. I didn't have a choice.

I would be going back to Hogwarts. And I would be in for the biggest shock of my life.

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