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After returning to our shared dorm, I found Malfoy sprawled out on the sofa reading. He sat up and closed his book. "Grang-Hermione, can I call you Hermione?" He questioned, innocently. I nodded in approval and joined him on the sofa.

"What is it, Malf-Draco?" I corrected myself. He fumbled nervously with his hands and avoided eye contact with me. I had never seen this side before and it frightened me a bit. Subconsciously I leaned over and took his hands into my own. He finally looked up at me and I could see his eyes watering up.

"It's okay, whatever you need to say, I won't judge you." He took in a shaky breath and pulled his hands away to rest on his lap.

"I..." He let out a shaky breath and I gave him a nod of encouragement. "I just wanted to apologize, for everything. All the horrible remarks throughout school. The names I called you...What happened at the manor that night, I-I should've stopped it. I never meant for you to go through that. I'm so sorry." For a moment I was reminded of the pain inflicted to me that night. Unconsciously I  gently rubbed over my scar.

"The past is the past. You were young and ignorant, what's important is that you've changed. But Draco, I never blamed you for that night. Is that what you think? She was psychotic and I'm sure that if you were to have stopped her, you would've died. I didn't want that. Plus, you saved our lives. If you told them who we really were we would be dead right now. I owe you my thanks." I reached for his hands once more to intertwined our fingers and gave him a small smile.

He shook his head. "I was a coward, don't thank me." He let his eyes linger to my arm. "Can I see?" I nodded hesitantly. Pulling his hands away from mine, he softly took my arm and pulled my sleeve up. Gently he traced the scar with his fingertip. "I'm so sorry." He whispered and released my arm. I pulled my sleeve back down.

"It wasn't your fault." I cooed. Giving him one more soothing smile, I stood up and went to take my leave.

"Hermione, one more thing. In the manor, when she was doing that to you, I felt pain in the same arm. As if it were being done to me too. Do you happen to know why that would be?" I pondered for a moment and remembered the book I had read in the library moments ago. If they hurt you hurt.

I didn't know what to say so I shook my head. "I don't...that's odd. I'll see if I can find out for you?" I questioned.

"No that's okay." He smiled a small smile and I took that as a sign to retreat back to our room.

I had previously unpacked after waking up, with a bit of help from my wand. It looks like Draco did the same while I was gone. I tidied up a bit and crawled into the bed. Grabbing my worn down copy of Hogwarts: A History from the nightstand I began to read. Before I knew it I was fast asleep.

Screaming, so much screaming. Blood splattered all around me. "This is your fault." Remus stated, voice filled with venom. All of the people I loved and lost circled around me, hatred written on their faces.

"You let us die." Fred spat. I know. I didn't say it.

"Why didn't you help me, Hermione?" Colin questioned. "I wasn't ready to die."

Voldemort stepped in and pushed me to the ground. "You killed them all, and now you'll pay."

I awoke to a familiar voice calling my name. "Hermione." I was being shaken. Slowly opening my eyes I realized Draco was hovering above me. "Sorry for waking you, you missed lunch I wasn't sure if you wanted up. It's dinner time now and I figured you'd be hungry. If you want I can wait for you and we can head down together?"

"Thank you, Draco. But go ahead and go get something to eat, I'll be down soon." I smiled.

"I insist. Unless you don't want to and then I'll go." His eyes were glued to the floor and all previous confidence he may have had previous years, was now gone.

"Okay, I'd love to join you. Just let me put some shoes on and I'll be ready."

We walked together and talked about our classes this year until we watched the Great Hall. It was bursting with excitement and energy. I grinned at the sight. I had missed this place so much. Draco and I went our separate ways but not before exchanging smiles. I headed to the Gryffindor table and received confused glances from my friends. "What?" I questioned.

"Nothing." Harry answered. "It's just...you and Malfoy seemed so...friendly?" He wasn't being mean he was just mildly confused. That's understandable.

"He's been extremely sweet. Apologized for everything, let me sleep in the bed while he took the couch, hasn't said anything horrible since we arrived. He's changed, and for the better."

"That's really good, 'Mione. How's everyone else holding up." Ginny answered. We all talked about our new dorms and spouses with excitement and a bit of dread. I ignored Ron and he did the same.

After our kiss in the Chamber of Secrets he blew me off and was a complete arse about the whole situation. If he didn't share feelings that would've been perfectly fine as long as he told me, but he just ignored me for months. We finally had a big argument about it and it ended with him calling me a bitch. We haven't spoken since. I was surprised when I heard him call my name from beside Lavender.

"Erm, Hermione, can we talk for a second." I didn't mean to come off as hostile but I did. I scoffed and nodded and we exited the hall together.

"I just wanted to apologize for ignoring you and well, also calling you a bitch. I should've told you I didn't have feelings for you but I didn't want to ruin our friendship. I was scared. I love you, 'Mione. I want to be friends again."

Sighing and looking at him for a moment, I finally decided to smack him upside his ginormous carrot head. "I forgive you."

"Blimey, Hermione! What the hell was that for!?" He clutched his head and grimaced.

"You didn't think you would get off that easy did you?" I giggled and pulled him back inside by the arm. "I love you too, Ron. But not in that way anymore." We reached the table and our friends got quiet.

"This woman's bloody mental!" Ron proceeded to explain what happened and everyone burst into laughter. It was nice to be rejoined with my family and to see them happy and smiling like old times.

We finished off dinner and were the last ones to exit the Great Hall. I found Draco waiting for me by a podium. I looked over to everyone to tell them I was going to walk with him back to our dorm but Harry beat me to it.

"Go on!" He smiled gently and shooed me away. I bid my goodbyes and walked over to where the blonde stood.

"So you waited for me? Be careful, Malfoy one might think you're in love with me or something." I teased and he smiled.

"Back to last names are we, Granger? Come on let's head back up." We walked in sync and discussed some of our classes once more. It seemed we had Charms together the next morning.

"I'll sleep on the couch tonight by the way." We has just walked in and settled on the sofa.

"Thank you but I can't let you do that. Sleep in the bed again, I'm fine out here." He insists but I decline the offer.

"It isn't fair. I had it last night. I'll be okay on the sofa, honest." He pondered for a moment and finally spoke up.

"We could share the bed? Not like that! But, you sleep on one side and I'll sleep on the other. It doesn't have to be weird or anything. It's just, the only fair solution." He nervously explained. He had a point.

"That doesn't sound too bad. You can shower and use the bathroom first though."

"I will take you up on that offer!" He jumped up and raced to the bathroom before I changed my mind. I giggled and got my things ready for bed.

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