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Today's a Tuesday and Draco has quidditch practice. I hadn't been to one since Ron had tried out for the team a few years prior. The sport had always wracked my nerves, so I never made it a habit to watch them.

But, he had asked me to attend yesterday morning. Wanting to be polite, I agreed.

"Hey, Granger?" The Slytherin approached me tentatively. I had just made us both a pot of coffee to start the day. Monday's always had the most boring lessons.

I was sipping quietly but gave him a nod to continue.

"I was wondering if you'd like to come watch my quidditch practice tomorrow? A lot of the others are bringing their significant others in to show off. I'd like for you to be there. If you want to come it's at 6, but I understand if you don't."

I smiled and placed my coffee down.

"I'd love to come, Malfoy. You can expect me there, with a front row seat...And a Gryffindor flag of course."

We smirked at each other knowingly. We may be getting married but Gryffindor will always be the superior house.

So here I am, at 6 pm sharp, watching the Slytherin players walk out onto the field. I was surrounded by a few males and females out of all the houses. Most waved and smiled. I was no different.

He flashed me his infamous smirk and mounted his broom. Being captain, he was up in the air first and barking out orders to the other players.

From what I could tell, they were going through training drills.

About an hour passed and I had zoned out a bit. Thinking about everything but my surroundings. That's when a quaffle came hurdling towards my face and smacked me right in the nose.

It hurt like a bitch. I heard snickers and giggles around me as I held my bleeding nose. Cursing silently under my breath I cast a spell to heal myself and went to give Draco a piece of my mind.

That's when I saw him holding his own bleeding nose. I let out a small snort. I suppose this soul mate thing did have its perks.

The whole team was taunting the ferret. Soon I had burst into fits of giggles and only calmed down when practice resumed. It went on for 15 more minutes.

Sweaty and exhausted athletes walked sluggishly back to the locker room. We all silently agreed to meet them at the end of the field.

They came out smelling and looking a lot better. I spotted Draco walking towards me. He scowled and I began giggling once more.

"Thanks for breaking my nose, 'Mione." My heart did a flip. It was the first nickname he had given me. I liked it. But of course I said nothing.

"Don't be so dramatic. And it was your fault anyways, keep your damn balls in line."

He chuckled and I reached for his hand.

"Ready to go?" Nodding, we walked back into Hogwarts. That wasn't so bad.

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