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"Hermione, I'm so sorry! I should've never brought you here, I'm sorry. Are you okay?" Draco had dragged me out of the drawing room and into a small furnished area, where I was now seated on a gothic leather couch.

Being out of that room, the horrible memories began to fade away and I was able to regain my breath. My heartbeat slowed to normal. I looked down to the scar on my arm. 'Mudblood'. It was still as vivid as ever. I began rubbing it to soothe myself.

"I'm okay now, I'm sorry for worrying you."

"No, don't apologize. This wasn't your fault, it was mine. I completely forgot about the 'incident', I'm so sorry, 'Mione." He gently took hold of my arm that I had been rubbing, and let his fingers ghost over the scar, it was as if he thought he pressed too hard it'd still pain me. But the pain faded away a long time ago. I stared into his grey orbs for a minute, before he leaned in and pressed a kiss to my forehead.

I heard two sets of footsteps heading towards our direction. It was Draco's parents.

"Draco dear, we're home early. Has Miss Granger arrived?" Narcissa called out before turning a corner and seeing us sitting down. Lucious was not far behind. She wore a semi-formal dress that hugged her figure nicely. It was mostly black, except for the neck which was laced up with red. She was gorgeous.

Her face broke out into a grin as she strutted towards me, I stood up and extended my right hand for her to shake.

"Mrs. Malfoy, it's lovely to meet you. Draco has told me so much about you!" And he had. He was always telling me stories about how great his mother was.

"Nonsense! You're to be my daughter in law! Please call me Narcissa!" She disregarded my attempt at a handshake and pulled me into a hug. Taking a second to let the shock sink in, I hugged back.

She pulled away and I could feel the cold stare of Lucious Malfoy, it sent shivers down my spine.

"Mr. Malfoy." I I looked his direction and gave a curt nod, acknowledging him

"Miss Granger. I do hope there's no bad blood between us." He extended his hand for me to shake. The shock alone was enough to kill me right there. I gave a small smile, (one that he surprisingly returned), and shook his hand.

Draco exchanged hellos with his parents, before disappearing with his father. He said they'd need to talk about something privately and that we should become acquaintances while they were gone.

Narcissa and I had much in common. Many of our favorite books and authors were the same. She'd also recently taken an interest in muggle TV and persuaded Lucious to buy one for their home. I'd told her about many classics she should watch.

Much of that day we spent talking about everything under the sun. Much of which included Draco. We spent quite a few hours shopping in a local witch boutique. I'd bought a few robes and outfits. She insisted she'd pay for my things as well as hers and would not take no for an answer. Eventually I gave in.

After that we went to a muggle restaurant for lunch, it was her first time. Many of the items confused her and I had to explain them. She was very intrigued by the dinosaur chicken nuggets, I didn't have the heart to tell her they were for children. She ordered those, while I stuck with a sandwich.

It was about 5:30 when we decided to return to the manor. Lucious was in his study but Draco was nowhere to be found.

"Go check his room dear. Up the stairs, down the hallway to the right, take a left and his room will be on the right." I nodded and thanked Narcissa for everything before departing up the stairs. I followed her directions and ended up in front of what I hoped would be his bedroom door. I gave it a few knocks and waited.

I smiled when he pulled it open, he did the same and pulled me into a hug.

"You were talking about me with my mother?" He questioned. My cheeks heated up and I feigned ignorance.

"I have no idea what you're talking about," I giggled and walked inside. It was 2 times the size of a normal room. I didn't expect anything less from Mr. Trustfund Kid. I plopped down on his bed and realized I had landed on something. Pulling it out from underneath me, I realized it was a book.

It had a jet black cover and I opened it up to see familiar handwriting. I immediately knew what it was.

"Draco has a diary!" I teased with a smirk and opened it.

"It's a journal," he corrected.

"Give it back." He tried to reach for it but I moved it out of his grasp, now sitting on my knees on his bed, holding his journal above my head.

"Nope!" I began to "read" aloud.

"November 12, I am sooo in love with Hermione. She is so perfect and amazing and obviously ten times smarter than me." My giggling continued.

"It does not say that! Liar!" Draco finally managed to snatch it away with a huff. He threw it on the floor and plopped himself down beside me.

"You are so rude."

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