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It seemed as if I had only fallen asleep seconds ago, but as I was forced awake by someone tapping my shoulder and whispering my name, I realized it was dark outside. It must've been hours since.

I opened my eyes and sat up sleepily.

"We're here, darling." Draco grabbed his suitcase and my bookbag from above our heads, as I yawned and stretched. These were the only things we brought. I had put an extended charm on the bag so that I wouldn't need to carry a bunch of suitcases back and forth.

He carried our things with one hand after ignoring my offers to hold my own baggage. With his empty hand he held mine. We exited the Hogwarts Express and bid our goodbyes.

Handing me my things, he pecked my cheek and headed towards his mother. I gave her a small smile, that of which she returned and I made my way to the group of redheads huddled around Harry.

I squeezed my way in and immediately hugged the small plump lady who had done so much for me over the years. I felt safe and warm in her arms, she always smelled like cinnamon. I had to pull away much too soon.

"Aww Hermione dear look at you! You've grown so much! Are you eating properly? I do hope you are. We'll feed you a big dinner when we get home." I grinned and looked towards George, who had Angelina Johnson at his side.

"It's good to see you." I hugged his side and flashed Angelina a smile, before turning to Mr. Weasley.

"How is everything with the muggles, sir? I hear they've come out with some interesting technology this year. My mother told me all about it in a letter last month."

She was absolutely beaming. "It's going splendid! We've recently discovered a new use for the rubber duck!" I chuckled. "Oh and please do find some time to tell me all about this new technology! Muggles invent the darnedest things."

"That they do." Everyone around me was laughing and smiling. It made me feel so welcome and happy. I didn't think we'd ever get to this again.

Soon, we were all huddled up in the Weasleys station wagon and were headed to the burrow.

Upon arriving I helped carry everyone's things into the house. I was setting up in Ginny's room when I saw a fuzzy ball of ginger saunter into the room.

Crookshanks had become the Weasley family pet after refusing to return with me after the war. I think he's just angry at me for leaving him behind. Ron hated it, but Mrs. Weasley treats him like royalty. He was fatter than I remember.

Ginny and I caught up on recent drama and giggled for about an hour before we were called down to dinner.

Mrs. Weasley had made each of us one of our favorite dishes. It was absolutely delicious. We all reconciled and joked for the longest time. George told us all about the joke shop and how business was booming. Ginny, Ron, and Harry talked about classes and how odd they were this year.

When it was my turn to catch up I told everyone all about Draco and how great my studies were going. I was baffled by how many questions I'd received about Malfoy. They were all so curious if he'd changed at all. He had. Of course he had.

After dinner I felt so bloated and tired. I didn't think I could make it up to bed. I did, though. As soon as my head hit the pillow I was out. What a night.

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