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McGonagall escorted us to a rather large and rather new section of Hogwarts. It seemed to be added onto the side of the Charms classroom. One by one we were led to different doors in the corridor. McGonagall said two names and handed the couples keys and wished them good luck on their relationship until we were the last ones standing. "Ms. Granger, Mr. Malfoy." She nodded curtly. Anyone could tell she was uncomfortable with the situation.

"I do apologize for this, I would like you to know I took no part in this scandal." She scowled. It was very unlikely of her to show this kind of behavior. "It's alright professor. I know you didn't. I think we'll manage. Right Mal-err Draco?" I asked. He just nodded.

"I should be off." Without another word she handed me two keys and left quickly. Without another look to my new partner I opened the door to our new home.

It resembled a modern flat. As we walked in there was an average sized living area and to the right of that, separated by a half wall, a very large kitchen. The living space had oak bookshelves lining the walls. In the middle there were two mahogany loveseats opposite each other and a matching recliner. A coffee table separating the loveseats held a spear of quidditch magazines and cup coasters.

As I continued my exploration of the place it dawned on me there was only one bedroom and one bathroom. The first bedroom contained one bed and was also decorated with bookshelves. A chair sat on the right side of the room. Sitting in it was a very large tray of cookies and a note. I left it alone for now. I observed the room a bit more. The color scheme was a mix of Slytherin and Gryffindor. It was very different from the rest of the place. It was more comforting. Except for the idea that we had to share a bed. That was the opposite.

I left to find Malfoy sitting on the couch. I decided to join him. "Soulmates, huh?" I giggled. He looked up at me with a broad smirk. "I guess so, Granger. It seems I didn't get it too bad." I blushed but not enough for him to notice. "They only gave us one bed," I sighed. "I figured they would. I'll take the couch tonight, Bookworm." He was being very kind. Not that I'm complaining but I cant help but think he has an ulterior motive. I pushed it aside for the moment.

"Are you sure?" I asked tentatively. "I'm sure. Don't worry about it. It seems very comfortable. I will perhaps need a blanket, though." I stood up. "On it." I headed to the bedroom and grabbed some pillows from the bed. I looked inside the closet hoping to find some extra blankets. When I did I headed back to see Malfoy was already asleep on the couch.

I lay the blanket on his peaceful self and left the pillows on the floor. He'd wake up and get them if he really wanted them.

I thought it was odd to find him asleep already. He hadn't seemed very tired before. I guess I just didn't notice. It had been a very long day and I was extremely tired. I decided to change into my pajamas and quickly settle into bed before the events of the day hit me and I had a mental breakdown.

As I pulled back the duvet, I remembered the note and the tray of cookies left on the bedroom chair. I was very curious to it's contents but decided to wait to open it with Malfoy.
Whatever it was it was for the both of us to read.

Laying down I came to the realization I hadn't drank my dreamless sleep potion. Results of the war left me completely sleep deprived and in panic mode for months. It took a full depressive episode and a trip to the hospital for me to realize the extremity of my condition. I cannot sleep without that potion.

Well, technically I can. But, without it I'm once more drowned in a plaguing past of screams and torture as I relive moments of the war and sometimes make new events. I sat up and tiptoed into the living room where I previously saw our luggage waiting. I unzipped my bottomless bag and shuffled through it before I found the bottled liquid I was looking for.

I previously brewed a batch for tonight. The first night back is always extremely hectic and I thought it best to do it before hand so I didn't forget or stay up all night trying to make some.

I downed the potion leaving half the bottle empty. I sat it on the coffee table, careful not to wake the Slytherin and headed back into the bedroom. I pulled back the duvet once more and climbed into the bed ready to sleep. It wasn't long until I was pulled into another dreamless sleep.

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