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Since our engagement, Draco and I have received many calls from various different wedding planners and venues and caterers all hoping to sponsor one of the members of the golden tris wedding. It has been extremely exhausting turning so many people down. I felt worse each time but we had decided to do the wedding at the manor and pay house elves to cater.

But we have to put the wedding business aside today, because it's graduation day! It was our very last day at Hogwarts and we had a ceremony planned tonight. No one knew what it was but we were all very excited. Looking around at my classmates' faces that day brought back so many memories. Good and bad.

It was hard to keep tears out of my eyes when I realized everything would change after this. I had applied to a few wizarding universities that were close to London. I got into all of them but I had yet to make a decision. The staff told me to take as long as I'd need because with my record, they'd wait forever for a response.

Classes had ended last week and everyone had been packed since yesterday. I'd spent most of today talking to pretty much everyone in our year and catching up before we'd go. Many of the muggle borns and half bloods had given me their phone numbers to call when I got home. The purebloods had given me their owl info of course.

Currently I was speaking to some Ravenclaws that had asked for my autograph and I didn't have the heart to tell them that isn't something I was comfortable with, so I did it anyway. Think of it as a graduation present.

Walking away I found myself in the Gryffindor common rooms lounging about. Dinner was just an hour away and afterwards, all the 7th years were to meet in front of the castle. Soon I wasn't the only Gryffindor sitting in front of the fire. All the 7th years were sitting around in a circle.

Dean thought it a good idea to share some of our favorite memories together. We all agreed and spent the next hour taking turns and sharing some of the best memories we'd had of each other. It was truly moving. Most left the commons in tears, I was no exception.

As we headed into the Great Hall for our very last meal at Hogwarts, our teachers and younger peers lined the halls. Their arms were intertwined and as we met the entrance, McGonagall was waiting for us.

"You all have by far been the most reckless and troublesome group of students to have ever passed through these doors." She eyed Harry, Ron, and I.

"But you have also been the smartest, bravest, kindest, and most cunning I have known in all my years here. Without you all, I truly believe that most of us would not be standing here today. You have saved so many lives. For that you have my utmost respect. I'd like to take a moment of silence to honor those of you who have passed and are unable to be here with us today. May you forever be a student at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry."

We all bowed our heads in respect and lifted them only when she spoke again.

"This isn't something we officially announce but I'd just like to take a moment to recognize Hermione Granger. Not only did the brightest witch of your age accell in every single class and test that she ever took, but she was also one of the biggest reasons we are able to be here today. Hermione would you care to say a few words?"

My cheeks went red and I felt the urge to cry again. I pushed it back down as hard as I could and switched places with her momentarily. I looked around and locked eyes with Draco for a boost in confidence.

"Looking around at all of you and realizing this may be the very last time I see some of you makes me very sad. Even if you may not remember it, I have a memory with all of you. It's okay if you don't, because I do. Each of you will hold a place in my heart for as long as I live. As we leave here today and no longer call ourselves students at the finest school known to any witch or wizard, I know that we will go down in history once more as being more successful than any other graduating class. I end this with the great words of Albus Dumbledore, "We are only as strong as we are united, as weak as we are divided."

There was nothing special about dinner except for the lingering anxiety and excitement in the air. Walking through the doors of Hogwarts and into the cool air, we were once more met with our teachers. They escorted us to the black lake where we found the boats we had ridden in on in first year.

We all scrambled into individual boats, being much too large now to fit multiple people in one. Riding across the water surrounded by the greatest witches and wizards I've ever known, I felt the fear in me slip away. It was replaced solely by pride.

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