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As sunlight shone into my room, I fluttered my eyes open. It took a second to get adjusted to the sudden light but once I did I took in my surroundings. It was so foreign to wake up somewhere other than my old dorm.

The previous nights events flooded into my mind and I almost fainted from the shock. I'm engaged to Draco Malfoy. I hadn't really taken everything in and it's as if I was just realizing. My freedom and basic human rights have been completely violated. But, it seems as though I have no choice. I can't lose my magic. I'm not me without it.

I slid out of bed miserably and went to walk out of my room to reach the bathroom before I realized my sleep attire only consisted of a very large muggle t-shirt. My wand and the rest of my belongings were still in the living area beside the coffee table.

I prayed that Malfoy was either still asleep or gone already. As I tiptoed into the living room I spotted a blonde ferret sprawled out on the couch, eyes closed. I thanked Merlin for this and ran to the suitcase containing my clothes. I bent over and rustled through trying to find my robes and undergarments.

"Granger, get your arse out of my face." A voice behind me groaned. I jumped at the sudden noised and blushed madly as I realized he just saw my bare arse. I'll never be able to look at him again. I squeaked an apology before grabbing my robes and wand and rushing to the bathroom.

Before I slammed the door shut out of embarrassment, I noticed something rather odd. The rest of the dreamless sleep potion had been emptied. He must have woken up and drank it. I thought back to when I looked at Malfoy during dinner the previous night. The circles under his eyes were dug deep. Very dark and noticeable. I figured he'd had the same problems as me. Guess I'll be brewing double this year.

I could hear Malfoy shuffling around outside the door. Turning the shower on and waiting for the water to get hot I realized we didn't have classes today. We came back on a Friday which was unusual but I didn't think much on the subject.

Soon I was dressed and ready to leave the flat. I didn't have anywhere to leave to yet, but I'd change that. I sent a quick owl to Harry with Malfoy's owl. (I do hope he doesn't mind.) It just asked if he wanted to hang out with Ginny and I today. I hoped he would say yes as I desperately needed my friends.

I looked around after noticing the silence and seeming to be a lack of a certain platinum ferret. "Malfoy?" I called. No response. He must of left already.

Suddenly the word, "soulmate" popped into my head. I had never heard anyone talk about it here. I wondered how it tied into the wizarding community. Was it already common knowledge?

I did what I always do when I have a question; I headed to the library. I browsed through every book starting with 's' until I came across, Soulmates For Dummies! I looked through the Table of Contents to get a vague idea.

Chapter 1: Understanding the Word "Soulmate".
Chapter 2: Forever Means Forever.
Chapter 3: They Hurt, You Hurt.
Chapter 4: Telepathy
Chapter 5: Infidelity Kills..
Chapter 6: Find Your Soulmate

I skimmed through the first chapter.

As every witch or wizard knows, your soulmate is the one person you are destined to be with for the rest of your life. Some people may be lucky to find this person, and some may not.

I flipped over to chapter 2.

Once you find your soulmate and commit to them entirely you will not be able to emotionally separate from them. It's impossible to have romantic or sexual attraction to anyone other than your partner.

Soon I reached chapter 3.

If any physical or extreme mental pain is inflicted onto your soulmate, you find you receive the same torture. For them to hurt is for you to hurt.

Chapter 4: Telepathy

You may soon find that your soulmate gets signaled when or if you're talking about them. They get a vague idea of what's being said as you say it. So you better be careful of what you tell your friends.

Chapter 5: Infidelity Kills

There has only been five cases where someone has died after their soulmate cheated on them. Depending on the closeness between you and your soulmate will determine the pain you receive when your soulmate cheats. It's very serious and usually extremely painful. Previous victims have called this feeling the "worst thing" they've ever felt.

I gently shut the book and placed it back on the shelf, where I had found it. Sitting down in a vacant seat, I buried my head in my arms and let out a groan; earning a shush from the Madam Pince. So far, we have not shown any of the symptoms. At least I don't believe so.

Draco wouldn't be the worst person to be married to, now that I think about it. He's mildly attractive, neat, surprisingly attentive, and as of this year, kind, in a Malfoy way. If I have to live this way, I suppose it could be worse.

Not long after I lifted my head out of my arms, did Malfoy's elegant eagle owl swoop into the library and drop a small piece of parchment onto the space in front of me. I picked it up and unfolded it to reveal Harry's messy reply.

'Sorry, can't. Ginny and I are busy.'

Disappointed, I decided to pack my things up and head back to the dorm and study for this year's upcoming courses. And maybe speak to Malfoy about how we would handle wedding arrangements.

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