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After returning to Hogwarts, Draco and I met up with Harry, Ron, and Ginny. I was surprised when Draco had suggested we all go out one night. I was even more surprised when they agreed.

I was really confused as to where this was coming from all of a sudden. But it was for the best. My best friends and my future husband should get along, and get used to seeing each other a lot. I just expected more of a fight.

Later that night we'd get together and hang out by the black lake. Ron suggested we have a picnic and we all agreed we'd each bring some kind of snack or drink. I'd told them I'd bring wine. I had bought an extra bottle for a special occasion. What's more special than former enemies fraternizing.

I was so excited for tonight that the rest of the day passed by so slowly. Classes didn't start until next monday to give all of the students enough time to settle back in and unpack. There was talk of a party at the Ravenclaw common room tomorrow, but that was the most exciting thing to happen all day.

Finally it began to get dark and the time for us to meet up to sneak out was approaching. Draco hadn't been back recently so I assumed he'd wait for me at the lake. I left my flat, wine in hand and began walking down the corridor when I was stopped by Luna Lovegood.

"Congratulations, Hermione. You're going to have a good life together." Before I had a chance to respond she was already walking away. She is so odd.

As I approached the lake I saw everyone already waiting for me. There was a large white blanket layed on the ground where they were all sitting and a few picnic baskets scattered around them. I grinned and ran up.

"Hey!" I sat down beside Ginny and wrapped my arm around her shoulders.

"You're late." She leaned on me and laughed.

"I got held up by Luna, my bad." She nodded.

We all began eating, drinking, and pranking each other with harmless charms. A few times Ron got his hair turned green, and Draco's nose had been turned upside down. Our laughs lingered in the air. I made sure not to drink too much and it seemed the others had the same idea.

I was in the middle of eating a chocolate frog when Draco stood up and asked me to walk with him. I agreed and we started towards a broom shed, not far from where we were sitting a moment ago. I saw a faint light emitting from inside. We walked in and the ceiling was strung with fairy lights and candles were floating all around. It was beautiful.

I turned around to ask if he had done this but soon became speechless when I realized what was going on. Draco was on one knee with a velvet box in his hand.


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